Friday, August 15, 2014

Ukraine has just dialed up the drama...

Thanks Matthew for the link...

via Bloomberg.
Ukraine said its troops attacked and partially destroyed a column of armed vehicles that had crossed the border from Russian territory, while Russia said it was concerned about an attack on another convoy carrying aid.
Ukrainian government troops engaged the vehicles that had arrived overnight through a rebel-held section of the border, Andriy Lysenko, a spokesman for the country’s military, told reporters in Kiev today. Ukrainian soldiers continue to come under shelling, including rounds fired from Russia, he said.
Read it all.

This can't be good.  The excuses that Russia is getting to cross over to conduct a HA/DR mission seem to be piling up. 


  1. There is some problem with the link.

  2. yahoo has the same article:

  3. Russia has been doing small military incursions, for small periods of time, in the border since the beginning of the conflict.

    Why would Ukraine attack now, when this is clearly the worst time to do so? And would it be stupid enough to attack the aid convoy?

    1. Perhaps this is not a small incursion, but the tip of something bigger. In that case, makes sense to at least try to stop then...

      And don't forget the "siege" of the seps... they (probably) don't want they receiving any kind of help...

    2. Everyone knows the "aid" russians give...there should be no mistery to any official, that either the "humanitarian convoy" was a excuse to bitch after getting destroyed for obvious reasons or a simple trojan horse.

      And if ANYONE honestly thinks the russians are the victims in this situation, i suggest him/her get a one way ticket to Siberia.

      The ukrainians or anyone else, have the right to vaporize any unauthorized millitary stepping into their teritory.

      It's very simple...but when i see the amount of people from western countries that think "Russia Today is telling the truth our governments don't want us to know", something like the good guys in a "conspiracy" war...i wonder who's more dangerous...

      Anyway, if this goes further and NATO/EU doesn't push the retards from the East to spend a shit ton of money on defense, the russians will probably provoke one of the bordering countries..

    3. Conspiracies are machination VS system: In this case everyone talks plan, strategy system. This way to reverse the vision of the situation is a trademark of manipulation.
      This is the job of the State Department to swallow the world of justification for these actions, the wars, the coup carried out since 1946 (coup in Iran).
      Even one of the most Emminent advised Obama, Brzezinski says that here is part of the strategy of the USA.
      How can anyone be so blind as not to see that the last ten years of action of USA have only one thing: sow conflict everywhere?
      Warning: this is not a complaint I made ​​to the American, but the powerful are over you and who think they are Charlie Chaplin in "The great dictator"!

      So yes, tell me or buy a ticket to Siberia!

    4. M.C.

      There are no victims in this other than the civilians dying down there. I see this more as a reaction to how the Russians were threated since the collapse of the Soviet Union:

      It was a matter of time before this happened, despite who's right or wrong. Russia was/is feeling threatened, and the above article shows many justifications for this behaviour.

  4. It's off topic, but i think you guys gonna like it :

  5. Looks like Ukraine just called. The Ukraine gov forces held after the shelling of the border guards even withdrawing the forces. For the last week or so Russia has sent column after column of replacement equipment and supplies into Ukraine. I guess with the huge humanitarian convoy on the border and the resent photos of a Russian convoy going across the border not even bothering to take off the russian tags emblems this time the Ukraine gov figured there was not much to lose by laying down the marker.

    This is definitely a turning point eitherway. If Putin lets it ride it will demoralize the rebels and tagged with the resent losses and leadership retirement it could be a back breaker for the rebels. If Putin responds and sends the troops in he will be committing Russia to a long expensive fight that Russia cannot afford and once he has to start pouring the conscripts in the gen pop will be feeling less inclined to suffer for Putin's dream of empire.

  6. Has anyone seen a article saying were this interdiction took place in Ukraine city?

  7. uh oh sounds like Putty just blinked...

    They first tried the Ukraine fired on a humanitarian convoy then I guess they just switched to those green men have nothing to do with Russia story.

    1. There are actually two different convoys at play here: the 'humanitarian' one of white-painted military Kamaz vehicles, semi-empty, which are stationed at Ukrainian border on Russia side, and the 23 BMPs with support vehicles that Guardian journos saw crossing the border last night. The second one is in no way humanitarian, and it's the one that Poroshenko is talking about as being partially destroyed.

  8. Lol, saw crossing but yet had no pictures off. Please, now they are saying it was a Separatist column but a number of Russian Volunteers were killed.

    In the end of the day it's a virtual attack on virtual column of virtual armor.

    1. Odd, isn't it? You'd think these guys would take care to at least register it to use as proof, since it's such big news.

    2. The danger is Kiev are growing to cry foul once too many times. In such circumstances the best we can hope for is the West ignores them. It also seems the White House's West Wing is just on broadcast and doesn't appear to know or care what is really is going on. Perhaps they all in a bunker thinking WW3 is about to kick off? Perhaps we should brick them? That blonde bespectacled 12 year old who comes on popping up on my TV screen needs getting rid off. She sounds lightweight and insincere with every second phrase and sentence peppered with business jargon.

    3. the state dept spokeswoman? i've thought the same thing. i don't know why but she really really really seems like a light weight. i just can't take here seriously.

    4. BTW, solomon Russia it seems finally started supplying the seps for real. After months upon months of empty accusations and "proofs" from Kiev and west. I for one glad that they started play as they are being demonized and portraid.

      A BTR-82A in seps hands

      From the vid it was taken.

      BTW if your wondering why the allah ackbar. It's a joke among the Seps. Since the west is making them to be out as muslims. And another joke that you probably wouldn't like if I told you. (which you probably can guess)

    5. These are stills from separatist video, posted on their own site - please note those are BTR-82A, only used by russian military, and features a 30mm gun:
      some alachachbars too

      There are multiple excuses by russia for the amount of armored vehicles, tanks, and SAMs owned by the separatists, ranging from 'they've been captured from ukrainian forces', 'separatists brought them from Crimea' to the top one 'they bought it in the supermarket'. But there is just one simple and obvious answer to the question where all this equipment and support is coming from.

    6. So, if they sent top notch equipment, we can assume they sent top notch troops too.


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