Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Ukraine news. Desertion confirmed & Russia to hold large military exercise on border.

via Cir.ca
Ukraine said it was working through diplomatic channels to secure the return of 311 troops it says crossed into Russia in the early morning hours to avoid fighting with separatists. Russia said the number of Ukrainian forces totaled 438, and that they were seeking asylum.
And then this via Reuters.
Russia announced military exercises near the border with Ukraine on Monday in a show of strength as the Ukrainian army recaptured more territory from pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country.
The Russian air force said more than 100 aircraft, including fighter jets and bombers, were taking part in the manoeuvres this week in the central and western military districts.
The move could alarm Western powers which have accused Russia of beefing up its troops along its border with Ukraine and arming the rebels in eastern Ukraine, although Moscow denies the accusations.
Plain talk.

The massive desertion of Ukrainian soldiers is confirmed.  No excuses, no spin, the Ukrainian Army had about a battalion of troops run for the hills.

Next this weak brinkmanship that the West is trying on the Russian bear is just making him angry.

I don't worry about a military confrontation but these sanctions can get out of hand and plunge Europe, Russia and the rest of the world into a global recession that will make 2009 look like the good ole' days.

Eyes are back on Ukraine...although China is making a bit of noise in the South China Sea....
China can build whatever it wants on its islands in the South China Sea, a senior Chinese official said on Monday, rejecting proposals ahead of a key regional meeting to freeze any activity that may raise tensions in disputed waters there.
Southeast Asian foreign ministers this week hold security talks with counterparts, including those from the United States and China, in Myanmar, with escalating tensions over maritime disputes in Asia likely to be a major issue.
The Philippines will propose a freeze on all activity that raises tension in disputed waters in the South China Sea as part of a three-part plan at the ASEAN Regional Forum meeting, Manila's foreign minister said last week.
The United States, a close ally and former colonial power in the Philippines, has also called on all parties to halt activity in the disputed sea to ease tension.
I have never seen the world more volatile than it is right now.  This business will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it...


  1. "The massive desertion of Ukrainian soldiers is confirmed."
    Well, not for me. According to German newspaper an Ukrainian border post was seized by separatists. So there is only one way left to retreat. The border crossing was real but according to my knowledge "seeking asylum" is the spin.

    1. I really don't think so. If any of the following report is to be believed, they are being threated better by the separatists than by their own government, so the possibility is actually high. Of particular interest is the following quote:

      Singera said: "We crossed the border to Russia to save people's lives, and personally, I do not intend to return to Ukraine in the near future."

      What's stopping the bigger part of these guys from thinking the same?


    2. I heard an interview last night with several Ukrainian soldiers inside Russia by German state TV. No one was talking about desertion but all of a retreat. Several said that they want to go back to fight for Ukraine. Several did not return. Maybe the wounded.

      I'm surrounded by several former Russian, Georgian, Moldavian ... neighbors. I never heard them say that German state TV did a bad translation. They all know why they live in Germany. Like one former Russian said: "We had gas in Russia and it was rather cold inside. We still have Russian gas but everything works without bakshish."

  2. If they are returning then it's not a desertion Sol. If they would want to stay in Russia that would be a desertion.

    1. Most of the guys fighting for Ukraine want nothing to do with this war and protests are happening against the conscription. I don't really see them coming back, except for hardliners.

    2. From 311 that cross the border 195 already return today to Ukraine. For now no info about rest of them.

  3. In any case 438 men came running for their lives across the Russian border where they were 'interned'
    I expect more to follow as 79th Mechanized and 24th Ariborne are in the same pocket surrounded by Rebels and with their backs to russian border. How long do you think they can hold out without any supplies.

    Interesting facts off roughly 900.000 people that became refuges in the fighting 730.000 fled to Russia and 170.000 inside Ukraine . It sort of points out who the bad guys are for whom.

    1. wait! what? two units are encircled by rebels? i haven't heard that before. more info please.

    2. Three units of 72nd Mechanized ,79th Mechanized and 24th Airborne plus remenants of border gards units have all been in the same area which now became pocket for couple of weeks now 72nd is just the one that got mauled the worst. Suposeddly a GRAD barrage caused something like 200 casualties and loss of great amount of gear in single day in Izvarino pocket.

      Even Ukrainian reports support that


      Positions on 18th July

      Positions this week

    3. Number of people that cross the Russian border is hard to verify. That number is specified by Russians and ONZ... that admit he take that number from Russians.

      Those people are mostly ethnic Russians, no wonder that they run towards Russia.

    4. That is the whole point these people are ethnic Russians and obviusly don't have much love for Kiev goverment or Kiev nominated guverner - tycoon. so think about it who are the bad guys here.

      About the numbers they are as hard to verify as anything else, but these are UN numbers not Kievs or Moscows

      You do remember Kosovo it was part of Serbia but majority population was ethnic Albanian and after the Nato intervention they got their own country ,why are East Ukrainians not allowed the same (in reality they would more likely than not settle for federalisation of Ukraine.

    5. There is NO Kiev government, NO Kiev governor, NO Kiev bullshit... Kiev is NOT a country! This is Ukraine... I may be brutal, but do you UNDERSTAND!? UKRAINE! This land is Ukrainian land... this regions are Ukrainian ones, they are part of Ukraine. They are not bad guys here, they are the GOOD guys. They are the ones under aggression of Russia, they are the ones that try to preserve integrity of own country in face of OUTSIDE aggression.

      Ethnic Russians run to Russia... and where they should run to!? To Burkina Faso?! They support terrorists, they support separatist... now they are doing the best thing they can, want to live in Russia? GO to Russia!

    6. Ukrainian population is obviously not that united in their wish to stay united as a country of Ukraine and as you are talking milions of people secession is a real option as is in some parts of Europe (Scotland ,Baskia region,Catalunia etc).
      One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter .

    7. Still I don't see Scots taking weapons and foreign "volunteers" to secedes from Great Britain with arms and join other country. Basks even when they fight with Spain and want to be independent they are not commanded by foreigners and also they don't want to join other country after that. There are the peaceful methods to do this, just like you said... Scotland. I also want to remind you that you can't secede from Russian Federation, you can join them but there is not legal way to leave it... federation my ass!

      There is many groups in Ukraine, just as in any other country. But I had not seen that India emigrants or ethnic Hindu in GB try to secede some region in form of armed uprising. Or Mexican try to tear up from Union some part of America and say it will join Mexico. As you also notice the population of Ukraine is not that united BUT... you notice how small region is under that madness imported from Russia? There are millions of ethnic Russians in Ukraine in many other eastern oblasts, but they are calm. Those people there don't take arms and try to wage war against Ukraine. You had never wonder why only those two oblast revolted?

    8. This try to separate from Ukraine is a real gamble to me, because there were not premises to escape from Ukraine I mean objective premises, that people were not persecuted or killed for their nationality, culture or something else (there were only small problems with a status of russian language). They lived in peace for a long time. I am sure no one did the revolution if they wouldn't have the support from the neighbor. For example Russia is a multinational country where different folks live, they have quite different cultures and mores then if we follow the logic of separating different folks we have to give opportunity to divide a whole country in many parts. That wouldn't make any sense. Anyway the separatists had a chance did it without weapons.

    9. Indeed 1Modeus, that whole secession happen without any serious patter. In one moment there is country with indeed problems but with rather calm provinces. Next, BOOM! armed uprising lead for sometimes by local's but mainly by Russians and now almost only by Russians with heavy support from Russia. That was a surprise for everyone... except Russians.

      There is old saying, "Russians don't even shit without a plan". And I think that whole situation, Crimea, separatist, propaganda war... that was prepare long time ago, check and double check. Trained and double trained. They train that in many local "frozen" conflicts before, perfect it. Maybe situation in Ukraine was just out of control for them but still there is an plan in this, the patter. And as we like to say, Russians always use hammer, even when they should use scalpel they will use hammer because only hammer they know.

    10. Just one question : By what you say, they would have created a Coup, counter a friend government ? In Order to backup separatist to gain a military port that they already have ?


      They would have obtained 5 billions dollar from US State departement to help democraty( Us version ) in ukraine ?


      An enlightened US Advice :


      THEY USE HAMMER ? ASK GEORGIANS ! they holded 3 Days ! They don't even use more than a finger !

      Seriously, you can support your current ( democratic elected sponsoried by nice US NGO ) government, but, please, don't say to us such bullshit...

    11. The Georgians hold up 3 days against what? A flowers? chocolate cakes?... they hold 3 Days against MILITARY FORCES that were for a long time preparing for this type of action. Georgians got themselves provoked and they pay the price. This is the HAMMER, use of military force as the standard pattern.

      About rest of your post, I really have no idea what are talking about and adding an info about Ebola it;s just made it more mess up.

    12. I'm asking myself why I ever believed you could thnik twice on your statements...
      I will clarify :


      And i linked an explaination of the situation by an US guy, but you just read the title, nothing more, THAT EXPLAIN MUCH YOUR ATTITUDE !

    13. You put an link with description about atomic weapons and ebola and you wonder why I don't open it to relation with situation on Ukraine. wonderful, my attitude is rather normal reaction.

      Of course that Russia did not plane anything, those Green Men that take Crime was spontaneous reaction without any planing, just couple of dude think in one day we can do this shit and the next day they did that... oh wait, that would be planing.

      But if you believe that everything that Russia done is without any plan, spontaneous reaction, good moon cycle, social act of ordinary people, magic or anything... then I'm sorry for you because you live in fantasy land. And if you are so sure that such large military operation with all those logistic problems was done without any type of plan... well, It's look like you don't know a shit about military stuff.

    14. The article explain why State departement sponsorized a coup over Ukraine.

      "those Green Men that take Crime was spontaneous reaction without any planing"
      -> Yeah that's right, they take Crime at the same time that the coup... OH No, wait, they made that a Week AFTER !
      I'm currently military.

      Before saying bullshit, you have to know that modern army, like France, Britain, US, and russia, have plans for war on every country of the world, t all time ! That the work of their command staffs !

      So yes, russia executed a military maneuver, which imply organisation and an action plan : But you cheat with your statements, by implying that these act of war were premedited, instead of being a reaction to the coup, which would say that was the execution of a political/war plan. Thats the way of propaganda, inversing the responsabilities.

      By the way, If you still think that the coup over a friend regime of ukraine, the invasion of crime and the help of separatist was planified by the beginning, i can do nothing more for you.
      Perhaps you even think that's the fridge door that push your hand when you open it, instead of your hand that pull the door. Your world must be funny !

    15. Let's God's have mercy over the nation you "protect" if you even can't do a simple math.

      Mere hours after Janukowicz run from country the Black Fleet start to reinforce garrisons on peninsula. That was 21-22 February. 25 Februrary that is 3 days forward 810. Marine Infantry Brigade start to "secure" installation on peninsula. If this is a WEEK for you... then good for you.

      If you want to be naive like child, then be it. Life will verify that pretty fast.

  4. That cage on the BTR isn't RPG protection then, more to stop them running off?

  5. In other related news Kiev is using hevy artillery (unknow weapon system)
    Any guess on what meke that hole?

    1. I saw similar hole after they test AHS Krab on field, so... I would say 152mm round.

  6. Oh there is an vid' on tube where separatist comment the situation. A little abstraction.

    In that vid they say that alongside Ukraine forces fight Poles ( that are some 800 in Siewierodonieck ) Dutch, Czechs. That they don't understand from where Ukrainian army have so much military equipment, one is even surprise they have an T-84 Opłot, because Ukrainians can afford them.

    Also... an now we are in fantasy land... separatist intelligence notice in Dniepropietrowsk and Charkow the Raptors (as they call US drones) stealth planes... the F-22, Apache helos, Abrams tanks, Humvee's. then they show a knife, this is a very good knife and only used in US special operations units they take it from some colonel (didn't say if that was a dreaded US SF colonel )

    It's look like, only B-2 is miss to this party.


    1. Do you have a version with english subtitles?

    2. Nope, my friend translate the best parts for me.

    3. I only saw a knife with "USA" in big letters on it: http://youtu.be/XTyxIoCKtrw?t=21m4s
      A knife you can buy anywhere on the internet: http://code4shop.com/ka-bar-tanto-knife/
      For sure all US special OPs have a big "made in the USA" all over their gear...


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