Tuesday, August 05, 2014

US Army Major General (2 star) assassinated in Afghanistan.

via Army Times
WASHINGTON — A man dressed in an Afghan army uniform opened fire Tuesday on foreign troops at a military base, killing at least one U.S. soldier and wounding 15, including a German brigadier general and "about a dozen" Americans, authorities said.
Details about the attack at Camp Qargha, a base west of the capital, Kabul, weren't immediately clear. Gen. Mohammmad Zahir Azimi, a spokesman for Afghanistan's Defense Ministry, said a "terrorist in an army uniform" opened fire on both local and international troops. Azimi said the shooter had been killed and that three Afghan army officers were wounded.
I can't even express my rage.

If I said what is in my heart I would be labeled and probably banned by Google.

This sucks.  You do know whats next don't you?  They're gonna try and kidnap a Soldier or Marine.

Sidenote:  It just occurred to me.  What does every general officer have in a warzone?  A personal security detail.  Additionally the Pentagon supposedly put in place enhanced force protection rules that required armed US personnel at every large gathering.  So not only was the MG protected but so were those in attendance....AND IT DIDN'T WORK!


  1. Ok, I can imagine what you are thinking....

    To me, the question is... How he got near the targets.

    1. Me too. Simply wearing the same uniform shouldn't have allowed this to happen.

  2. This was an academy based on Sandhurst for OCS training. These trainees were supposed to be a future professional officer corp. I just wonder if the shooter was a student, trainer, or not supposed to be in that area at all.

  3. Afghanistan is as fucked up today as anybody who has been there could foresee for some time ... Another green on blue but not even sure ANA still qualifies as green such is the level of infiltration by Taleban. However given the nature of these attacks an abduction is rather unlikely. That's the only upside to this. Best way to avoid further attacks is to get out of this mess ... That country is really fucked up beyond all recognition

  4. Every detail will be examined. My bet is this guy went in with a fake/forged ID. Someone at the main checkpoint knows him and his "mission" and waved him through. The succeeding checkpoints were complacent. Happened before.

    Besides, everyone knows that you can "buy" anyone there. There is no sense of loyalty. "Loyalty" is bought, either by money, threats of harm or something else. That's ingrained deep in their culture and that's how they think. And this is one reason why Afghanistan will never be progress to anything more than a failed state.

  5. The US just needs to vacate, and send raids to disrupt terror cells when appropriate. Afghan civilization is anything but.

  6. Sol, When I took care of COMMARFORRES I was sent to anti-terrorism, counter-surveillance & dection and evasive driving, also the army staff driver course, even as a Marine.That was ages ago I hope they do more now...

    1. you would think that they would but i'm beginning to wonder. we'll never know for sure but did political correctness cost another life in Afghanistan. i hope not but....

  7. Deputy commanding general of Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan.

    It's the definition of irony

  8. Sol,

    Hamas is a cousin of the Taliban.

    There is definitely tactic transfer taking place as a "terrorist in an army uniform" was used on several occasions in Gaza as well.

    B. Hussein Ovomit briefed but no comment as yet.

    1. I think it doesn't take any "tactic transfer", cousins or not (actually they're not, but that's beside the point). They just need to read the papers or follow the news ... or even read this blog to know what's happening in other parts of the world. It's called "open source" intel !

    2. Yup... You have a point, a single Google search can help a terrorist a lot

  9. I'm thinking dress uniforms and a lack of weapons to show good faith as well as to not dishonor the Muslim's and show distrust.
    They were most likely disarmed by order and regulation from this same General Officer.


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