Saturday, August 09, 2014

US order of battle vs. ISIS (infographic)

Graphic is via The Guardian, read the accompanying article here.

They're under estimating the forces available.  If an airplane goes down during a humanitarian air drop you can bet that MV-22's (SPMAGTF-CR...a trap mission is what they're probably best designed for) or MH-47G's (with the size of the aircrew of C-17's plus the needed shooters to provide security, I'd almost bet they were choice but I don't know) are around waiting to pick them up.  I'd guess that they're flying racetracks during every mission waiting to go in as fast as possible.

Oh and don't forget those 300 Special Forces advisors, or the 200+ FAST Marines probably wanting a piece of the action.

Boots on the ground in Iraq?  THEY'RE ALREADY THERE!  


  1. Is it just me or is ISIS's control zone still getting bigger since the last updated map that came out?

    No one wants to call this what it is, but it's really starting to look like an Iraq War III.

  2. That map is ancient
    ISIS has already seized at least on town in Jordan!

    Either theirs an enclave or the territory has doubled

  3. True that map is very old ISIS now controls more territory ,its interesting how ISIS situation was kept bellow the radar ,till US decided to bomb(ironically couple of US supplied howitzers) as its an embarasment to many politicians in the west. ISIS is a direct product of a misguided policy and interventions.

    1. i was talking about ISIS at least two weeks ago. i posted some of their vids showing them committing attrocities. this group hasn't been off the radar till the attacks. DANG DUDE! i agree that the policy has been misguided but you don't have to make stuff up to get your point across. it just clouds the issue further and has you coming off as an anti-American zealot.

    2. Sol, you've been talking about them for at least two months!

    3. I am saying things were kept of the front pages in the media , which were mostly filed with news from Gaza and no news from Ukraine(we are now listening to news of impending Russian invasion for last couple of days, while at the same time missing the point that there are not many western reporters in on the ground in East Ukraine so we can only gues where the news are being generated) .
      Back to ISIS - Once decision has be made to engage a PR story of some prosecuted Yesidis came into play and is now roling like old cassete player. Do you think that is random and that ISIS didn't prosecute just about anyone before this, its just that President needs a sob story to sell the 'to little to late'action.
      As for US supplied howitzers , 2 ISIS operated M198 howitzers where bombed in the first airstrike

  4. That article is crap. Carl Vincent in in port and Lincoln is in dry dock, Bush is the only deployed Carrier. What fighters in Turkey? And what 2,000 troops in Jordan? How many troops do have in Kuwait?


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