Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wow! Saudi Arabia just said that there is no more Saudi-Israeli conflict....new concerns have emerged!

via Jerusalem Online.
An international Saudi newspaper, which is the mouthpiece of the royal family based in Riyadh, declared that there is no longer an Israeli-Arab conflict, but an Israeli-Turkish-Iranian conflict. The paper declares that if Israel wants to do a big deal with the Arabs, now is the time.
Under the headline “there is no more Israeli-Arab conflict,” the article indicates that the attacks on Israel come from Gaza, who carries out the mission of Iran with the assistance of the Muslim Brotherhood and their patrons, Turkey and Qatar.
Read the whole thing here.


The immediate losers in this is Kerry and Obama.  The Israeli's don't trust them enough to be involved in the negotiations (if they eventually happen) and its certain that Saudi Arabia just doesn't respect us.

This bears watching...if this is an olive branch then it could lead to a complete realignment of the Middle East.