Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wow! Saudi Arabia just said that there is no more Saudi-Israeli conflict....new concerns have emerged!

via Jerusalem Online.
An international Saudi newspaper, which is the mouthpiece of the royal family based in Riyadh, declared that there is no longer an Israeli-Arab conflict, but an Israeli-Turkish-Iranian conflict. The paper declares that if Israel wants to do a big deal with the Arabs, now is the time.
Under the headline “there is no more Israeli-Arab conflict,” the article indicates that the attacks on Israel come from Gaza, who carries out the mission of Iran with the assistance of the Muslim Brotherhood and their patrons, Turkey and Qatar.
Read the whole thing here.


The immediate losers in this is Kerry and Obama.  The Israeli's don't trust them enough to be involved in the negotiations (if they eventually happen) and its certain that Saudi Arabia just doesn't respect us.

This bears watching...if this is an olive branch then it could lead to a complete realignment of the Middle East.


  1. There's a saying in Israel: respect him, but suspect him. IF this can be taken at face value, it bears great promise. BUT, the Arabs have a legacy going back to Mohammed himself (as recorded in the Koran) of making treaties to buy time, and then crushing their enemy later in violation of that treaty. So, this could all be a ruse. OTOH, the 'establishment' Arabs like the Saudis are quite nervous about Iran's desire to be the dominant power in the region. They know in their hearts (in contrast to their public rhetoric over the years) that Israel has no desire to wage war with them. So, they are safer making accommodations with Israel than taking their chances with Iran. (This is why they were passive/silent about Hamas in the recent fighting. Hamas is an Iranian proxy.) Once they survive a face-off with Iran of whatever sort; they can always turn on Israel later, as per my first possibility.

    So there are several possibilities and Israeli intelligence will be hard-pressed to sort it all out. To complicate things, it may or may not be relevant to recall that Arab leaders from Saudi and Jordan early on expressed appreciation for Zionism and the prosperity it might bring to the region. But in the end, these guys are first and foremost concerned about whatever it takes to preserve their thrones.

  2. Meanwhile, the Saudis continue to play both ends against the middle:

    BTW Sol, I've noticed you use Jerusalem Online. I'd like to suggest you look at the Jerusalem Post online. I think they are the most professional and mainstream Israeli newspaper online in English.

  3. This is more a sign of the desperation of the Saudi regime than it is a signal of a newfound desire to bond with Israel.

    The ISIS developments in what used to be Iraq scare the crap out of the royal house of Saud, as does the prospect of a sudden and long-term ongoing Sunni/Shia gunfight on a flank they thought as of a year ago to be relatively peaceful.

    Noting that US foreign policy has been MIA since early 2009, they're pursuing their own initiatives, lacking any other options, thus ensuring that we'll be paying the costs of this administration's dilettantism for years, if not decades to come.

  4. Perhaps with the war in Syria, Iraq and the hostility of Iran has made the Saudi's aware of the Israeli atom bombs.
    Terrorist are in the clear talking up an attack on America come September, Israel may be a target also of some large mass attack which could bring on the Samson Option.
    Better to declare peace and live through what ever may come.
    Besides, it's not actually peace it's a Hudna.

  5. The Fakastinians are hell bent on destroying Israel with Iran's help ... The Iran that Obama is hoping to ally with
    in Iraq to combat ISIS.

    Israel’s annihilation has begun, says official PLO envoy to Tehran
    Ambassador from Abbas’s PA blames US, western countries of having created ‘a fake regime in Palestine to get rid of’

    Read more: Israel's annihilation has begun, says official PLO envoy to Tehran | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/israels-annihilation-has-begun-says-official-plo-envoy-to-tehran/#ixzz3AHM6nPWV

  6. Wow! But we all know that S. Arabian is an ally of Israel.


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