Sunday, September 21, 2014

A national security 'October Surprise' from Dems??

Check out the above vid.  Bob Beckel has had me scratching my head all morning over his prediction of an October Surprise dealing with national security.

What could it be?

Could they already know where the leader of ISIS is and they're waiting to actually kill or capture him?  An accelerated pullout of Afghanistan?  Snowden coming back to the US and will reveal what he stole while at the same time being allowed to walk free?

I'm really not sure.

What I do know is that the American people consistently label the economy as the number one issue.  I just can't imagine what they think they can do on the national security level that will energize their base, neutralize Republican enthusiasm and deliver them the Senate.

This bears watching though.


  1. It's still about the economy. Also, middle terms are pretty much always bad for the incumbent party and White House. Plus, with low voter turn out, it should be really bad no matter what for Dems.

  2. Well, my guess is the only folks surprised by anyone in National Security will be the democrats, republican's and libertarian's who somehow, someway always end up surprised and the pooch screwed.
    This administration, and the entire political body of the US is clueless about National Security and are living in a past that saw US superiority as the safety net and wall against what ever.
    It will be a surprise alright, but the Gov will be the ones surprised, gobbling and running in circles bumping in to each other quoting doctrine, cover ups and party line.
    The common reaction will be, "Oh Shit we must protect our phoney baloney jobs!"

  3. If there is a surprise the Dems may well need it.

    Have any of you heard of the 40 people who went to fight for ISIS and came back to the U.S.?


    First of all, why were they even let back in the U.S.? If a German living in the U.S. went to fight for Germany in WWII, do you think they would be let back in?

    Second, the FBI is watching them. Watching? Why not arresting!

    Third, the UK Mail article mentions that: "On Thursday, Senate Democrats thwarted legislation that would have revoked the citizenship of Americans who swear allegiance to terror groups that threaten the U.S."


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