Tuesday, September 02, 2014

About the murder of Steven Sotloff.

First, if you don't know the details check out this article.

Next time for a little reality boys and girls.

This guy was dead when he showed up in the first video with the other journalist that was killed.

That's the sad fact.

Even if we weren't bombing them, they would have found another excuse to kill him.  That's the way evil works.  It attempts to shock, scare and freeze the actions of good men and women.  They have approx 28 other Americans and we can expect them all to be killed...unless we're willing to throw away the lives of SOCOM on rescue attempts (attempts that just became ALOT more difficult because the White House disclosed that an attempt had already been made).

Steel yourselves (those of you that need to) to the fact that these bastards will kill any American that they lay their hands on.  Resolve yourself to the fact that they can't be reasoned with and the only thing that can be done is to kill them where ever they're found.  Accept the fact that lives will be lost (that doesn't mean to throw them away, simply acknowledging that bad shit happens) while bringing these rabid dogs to heel and understand that some fellow "so called" Americans are hooked in with these fools.  Between this ISIS mess, Ukraine, terrorist in Libya that want to destabilize Egypt, the widespread craziness with terrorist in Africa (along with the Ebola epidemic) and the German economy suddenly going into the red, I SEE NOTHING BUT GLOBAL TROUBLE AHEAD.


  1. https://news.vice.com/article/seized-islamic-state-laptop-reveals-research-into-weaponizing-the-bubonic-plague?utm_source=vicenewstwitter

    OK, they are just researching it. But, if they have enough time they might do it, and if they do it...

    1. I don't think they'd be able to pull that off. I'd be less skeptical if they somehow get the technological know how to keep their current equipment functioning and get these Migs they captured flying (needs spare parts and mechanics. They already have a captured pilot and Mig-21's are pretty common down at the MIddle East, but still).

  2. All of these americans were dead the second they left the US and went in less-than-friendly territory.

    I wonder if ISIS will offer releasing prisoners next in exchange for no airstrikes instead of executing them. What could be the reaction to that? 1 week without airstrikes = 1 prisoner released or something like that.

  3. If/When it comes down to it, save one for yourself.

  4. The trouble is give a few decades more and I can see these atrocities being filmed here in the West. What is it with this cult that holds our leaders here in such a spell? Why it so fashionable with our chattering classes? Time to wipe it from the Earth.

  5. I am truly trying to figure out why. Why these guys, knowing that they are going to die, just let these people saw on their neck? And they make statements that are prepared for them by these people?

    If I were captured by these guys, I would not go "quietly into the night". At some point in time, you have to realize your life means nothing to these people. Begging empowers them. I could not, would not let them do this to me.

    1. ditto. i agree completely. quite honestly i did it with the thought of seeing videos of them killing fellow Muslims and watching the lamb to the slaughter look in their eyes but the same applies to these journalists.

      i'm of the opinion that their belief system is to blame and thats what ultimately killed them. they believe in the "citizen of the world" bullshit and they cling to the notion that because they're "journalist" that they're not "Hated", "Ugly", Americans.

      ISIS doesn't care. Hezbollah doesn't care. Boko Harem doesn't care and neither do the rest of the animals roaming the planet. if captured i would at least try and clamp down on the fuckers jugular vein with my teeth if necessary to make sure they didn't get me easy.

    2. Coffee Man
      A few reasons, the first, people dont know how to react in shocking situations.

      I got hit by a car once (as a kid).
      I shit you not, over the fucking top and everything, I got up and, the first thing I did, I checked the fucking car for damage! It was fine, I walked off, got half a mile before the adrenaline wore off and my left leg stopped working and it clicked that Id just been hit by a car, by all rights should be dead, and apart from bruises, was fine, didnt even have a scratch.

      Thats right, a ton of steel moving at speed collided with me, rolled me over it, and it was a few minutes before I even thought to check myself for injuries.
      A few days later my mum told me to be careful at that road, someone had been ran over a few days earlier, she didnt believe it was me.
      "Hi mum, Ive just been ran over" didnt occur either.

      The second, is practice.
      The US did some research after Korea, and found out that the vast majority of US soldiers co-operated with their captors "in some way"
      It would start fairly innocuously, soldiers would be asked if the US was perfect, and told to write down three things they would change. Those who complied got better food / conditions ect, those who didnt got solitary or torture.

      We dont know how many times these people have been "executed" with blunt knives, and fed/watered for complying, starved/beaten for fighting back.
      And theres the "Judas Goat" tactic, he might have been the fifth mock execution filmed that day, only his wasnt mock or staged and he didnt know that till the knife went in.

      If you "fight back" and get the shit kicked out of you, and the next guy plays along and gets a steak dinner, well, its easy to be turned.
      Its easy to say you'd fight back, but for how long?

      Its probably a bit of both, take people who cant accept some people are just mental, and put them under a thuggish version of Section Twenty, and this is the result.

  6. Don’t shed any tears for this guy Sotloff. Apparently he was a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Serves him right: muslim-brotherhoods-legitimate-grievances. Check his article on http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/article/muslim-brotherhoods-legitimate-grievances

  7. Is this the same Jihadi John who executed the first journalist ?


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