Monday, September 15, 2014

American Mercenary has a must read on women attending Ranger school...

American Mercenary's latest is a must read.

He takes on the issue of women attending Ranger school and I must admit his attitude is more liberal than my own but makes sense.  Check it out here, but a tidbit...
I earned my tab. I got a yeast infection. I got cellulitis. I smelled like a corpse and looked like the walking dead. I took a double recycle to stay in the course so that my 62 day training event stretched out to 117 days. But ten years and one day after I signed my first enlistment contract my wife pinned a black and gold tab to my left shoulder.

So bring it on. If there are any women out there who volunteer to meet the Ranger standard, go for it. I'm convinced there will be women who can make it. But I'm also convinced that the women who could make it are smart enough to avoid it.

You have to read this one!