Thursday, September 25, 2014

Amy Butler aka "Wonder Woman" dishes the dirt on the F-22 strikes...

Critical Thinking.  A skill set that is little used in today's world.  Unfortunately we live in a time when "group think" is praised and contrary opinions are ostracized.  It takes courage to go against the flow and state the obvious.  Amy..... Ms. Butler if you're nasty, (sorry I was once a Janet Jackson fan) has done just that in her latest.  Read it here but check out some tidbits...
The air campaign that began this week over Syria was carried out in what Lt. Gen. William Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Staff described as “passive” air defenses.
Syria, however, is purported to possess decent air defenses –- some possibly integrated. And, we’ve not heard anything about Syrian air countering coalition assets. Arguably, this is a unique diplomatic backdrop for the debut of an asset designed at great cost to sneak in and out of air defenses and defeat any fighter that takes it on in the skies.
Yeah, that's right.

Just as I said earlier.  The Syrians weren't about to launch on our forces.  There was no need for the F-22 and any thinking person knows that.  Additionally while the USAF has all but abandoned electronic warfare (tossing a few crew to serve in USN EW squadrons isn't impressive), the thought that the stealth abilities of the F-22 were needed in a benign environment lacks credibility.  But wait there's more!
“What we were looking at was the effects we wanted to see on the target areas and what platforms in the region would be best suited to do that,” he said during a Sept. 23 briefing. “We had a large menu of targets to strike from, and then we chose from there. 
So, it's less the platform than it is the effects we seek, and then it's what platform can deliver those effects. That's really the job of the [combined air operations center].”
Effects we seek?



A 1000 lb bomb is a 1000 lb bomb.  The results will be the same whether dropped from a F-16, F-18, B-2, B-52....or F-22.

This guy was plain lying.

The next question we need to ask is why.