First check this out from Breaking Defense...
“Effective planning requires the use of the right force at the right place at the right time,” Dave Deptula, the man who ran the air war in Afghanistan, says in an email. “The F-22 is the world’s most advanced combat aircraft and has the ability to negate the effectiveness of threat air defense systems. That’s why it was used in this case. There was no “dry spell,” rather the previous operations in the permissive airspace of Iraq and Afghanistan did not require their capabilities.”Don't be fooled.
The F-22 wasn't needed to penetrate Syrian air space. Not unless you believe the Israeli Air Force is MUCH better than our own.
Why do I say that?
Simple. The Israeli's have been running missions into Syria for a while now. Additionally they've struck targets with impunity. The Syrians have never been able to lay a hand on them.
So lets put away the fiction that the F-22 was necessary for the success of these strikes.
UPDATE!!!! Patrick reminded me of another fact. Why weren't Syrian air defenses attacked if they were a threat to US war planes? They weren't attacked and they didn't fire on our jets! That tells me that there was either military to military contact that worked out the arrangement OR diplomatic back channel means were used. What does that mean? THAT MEANS THAT THE F-22 WAS SENT OUT ON A MISSION FOR PURE PUBLICITY AND NOTHING ELSE!
Now that we've put away that insanity have you noticed the mission creep? Did you notice the emphasis on striking the Khorasan Group?
Never heard of those guys before a couple of days ago and suddenly they're the main effort?
Its also fucking mission creep, it also expands the war and its all bullshit. Why are we hitting those guys? Why are they a threat to the US? Why are they suddenly a threat to the region and the world?
When you get the answer let me know.