Thursday, September 25, 2014

General Dynamics bets against ACV?

LAV 6.0
Via Military Technology...
Gary O’Brien, Capture Manager with General Dynamics Land – Systems Canada, explained the company would present a modified version of the Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) 6.0, similar to those in use by the Canadian military, O’Brien explained the vehicle combines LAV chassis with a purpose-built ACV demonstrator unit, has successfully completed initial testing by the USMC Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch.
First I had never heard of the designation LAV 6.0 and a very big second is that I hadn't heard that the vehicle had completed test at AVTB.

I'm not sure of what to make of this.  An improved LAV 6.0 that has been made amphibious?  I wonder what physical changes were made.  Could this be a token effort and they realize that they either have more time to come up with a better solution or are they outright betting against this vehicle ever making it into service?