Saturday, September 13, 2014

Has the war against Police begun? UPDATE!

via ABC News.
A late-night ambush outside a state police barracks in Pennsylvania's rural northeastern corner left one trooper dead and another critically wounded, and authorities scoured the densely wooded countryside and beyond on Saturday looking for the shooter or shooters.
State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan said a "very dangerous, armed criminal" eluded quick capture.
"This attack was an ambush. Our troopers were ... shot without warning and really had no chance to defend themselves," Noonan told reporters Saturday afternoon. "It's a cowardly attack. It's an attack upon all of us in society."
NOTE:  Read the comments over at The BLAZE!...this is a right wing news site and the comments are all negative towards police.  Something has happened and the public no longer supports them.  One bad move and Sovereign Citizens and other anti-police groups will be cheered in their attacks.

Interesting.  An ambush by definition, if conducted properly, doesn't give the target a chance to defend themselves.

I also find it interesting that the Commissioner says that this is an attack against all of society.  How?  Unfortunately for police, those that target them hardly ever go after the rest of society.  Even the most rabid of them...the Sovereign Citizens...rarely go after other members of society.

Many mistook my stance on the issues in Ferguson.  Everyone wanted to focus on whether or not the police shooting was legit or not.  I never did.  Not enough information was available AND we were immediately hit with propaganda from both sides (to include the Police Chief withholding information & releasing selective info that supported his side).

WHAT DID alarm me was the military tactics/militarization of police that we saw when County Police showed up to assist in crowd control.

What should alarm Police Officials AND US citizens is that the distance between law enforcement and the people they're working for is greater than ever.

I seriously wonder if the war on Police has begun.