Saturday, September 13, 2014

ISIS murders a Brit Aid Worker.

via CNN
British aid worker David Haines appears to have been executed by ISIS militants, according to a video posted Saturday to a website associated with the group, making him the third Western captive to be killed by the Islamist extremist group in recent weeks.
The ISIS video post showing Haines' apparent beheading called his execution "a message to the allies of America."
It is produced very similarly to the videos that showed the executions of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, the last of which included Haines and the threat that he'd be killed next.
The new video pictures a masked ISIS militant placing his hand on another captive, whom he identified as Alan Henning, a British citizen.

I wonder if all these Westerners that are falling into the hands of ISIS are part of the Global Citizen movement.

I mean seriously.  How STUPID do you have to be to travel to a war zone as a civilian?  Why wouldn't your common sense kick and say "this is a really bad idea"?  Why would you put yourself in that kind of jeopardy?

But a bigger question is why would a country go to war...engage in a long slog...because its citizens were stupid enough to travel to dangerous lands to either "help" or "report" on events?  Its lunacy.  An individual has a responsibility to look after their own safety, if they ignore that, then why should the state step in?