Saturday, September 13, 2014

ISIS murders a Brit Aid Worker.

via CNN
British aid worker David Haines appears to have been executed by ISIS militants, according to a video posted Saturday to a website associated with the group, making him the third Western captive to be killed by the Islamist extremist group in recent weeks.
The ISIS video post showing Haines' apparent beheading called his execution "a message to the allies of America."
It is produced very similarly to the videos that showed the executions of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, the last of which included Haines and the threat that he'd be killed next.
The new video pictures a masked ISIS militant placing his hand on another captive, whom he identified as Alan Henning, a British citizen.

I wonder if all these Westerners that are falling into the hands of ISIS are part of the Global Citizen movement.

I mean seriously.  How STUPID do you have to be to travel to a war zone as a civilian?  Why wouldn't your common sense kick and say "this is a really bad idea"?  Why would you put yourself in that kind of jeopardy?

But a bigger question is why would a country go to war...engage in a long slog...because its citizens were stupid enough to travel to dangerous lands to either "help" or "report" on events?  Its lunacy.  An individual has a responsibility to look after their own safety, if they ignore that, then why should the state step in?


  1. About ISIS and Germany.

    1. a reader sent me that story before funker ran with it. i decided not to go with it because the Europeans haven't dealt with their Muslim problem in the same way we haven't dealt with our illegal immigration issues.

      they're taking half measures and news of them supposedly cracking down smacks of more political correctness to keep their people from getting pissed than them actually doing anything about the issue.

      when fighting breaks out between state security forces and Muslim radicals then i'll start posting on the issue. until then it just looks like European governments are bending over and getting fucked by their problem children.

    2. I searched some videos about sharia police in Europe. From the looks of it, you will start posting about this pretty soon.

    3. You know what... this will be a fraking pain for me to admit that but.

      But being an highly rock solid (not that anymore) Roman Catholic nation and because that rather racist and not tolerant one we don't have problems with religious groups. Maybe it's not the most fair opinion but in most cases I meet with exactly that point of view when I speak with my foreign co-workers. This is not all true as we are open for other people and you can found all religions and races in Poland that live in peace. But after the WWII the Muslim diaspora in Poland is very, very small. Also even if now we are economical highly successful then by most of times or under PRL we were not rich country. Not the place for emigrants to go.

      I'm not religious guy, I seriously don't like the Church organisation... but this is the one good thing that I can say they give my nation. Lack of problems that England, France or Germany have with religious extremists.

      Of course... we have our own extremists, Catholic extremists. Shit... we even call them Catotalibs. :D

    4. Prety much the same thing here in Brazil.
      Even though we don't have the "muslin problem" here, Imo this is something we should end before it's too late.

    5. we need to solve the radical muslim terrorist problem? i'm not so sure. what we're actually doing is dicking around in the middle east for over a decade now and we're keeping monarchs in power.

      the only difference is now we have idiotic western leaders that believe in toppling dictators even though those are the same bastards that have kept a lid on issues for a long time only because they "see people yearning to be free". THAT'S BULLSHIT. FUCK'EM ALL. let the arabs deal with an arab problem.

      leave the west out of it.

      oh and stupid bleeding hearts that go to the region to report or help the "people" ... fuck them too. we're not going to war (or shouldn't) because some news boy or aid fool decided to get themselves killed.

    6. The "here" is own turf Sol' you can say leave the radicals to die in own turf, but they want to kill you in your home. Radicals need an enemy they can fight and in that case the best enemy is... everyone.

    7. Im not saying we should send troops there to solve their problem. As long they kill themself, fuck it, It's not our problem.
      What i tried to say is.... IF they start doing something to do some kind of invasion. Them we should stop it before it's too late. But, to be honest... i doubt they want to get that far..

    8. All I know is, in this small town I heard a little old lady who is not up on world affairs or understands Islam say, we need to fight those people like we did the NAZI's and Japs during world war two, she was just a kid then but she is seeing the similarities between the run up to both WW2 and WW Islam.
      If the uneducated and uninformed masses can tell it's about to go balloon up, then what does that say for the future?
      "KABOOM" Is what it says.

  2. Left wing thinkers love the idea of the noble savage. Socialism is a product of the middle class (UK definition not American) and at its heart it is all about telling others what is good for them whether they like it or not because the others are stupid and can't help themselves. At home the others are the working class and the poor, is it unsurprising then that as the poor and working class have disappeared that they turn abroad to "help" foreigners? This also happened as we retreated from Empire; the left pressed for the colonies to be released from the shackles of the state and now many of the same colonies are living off pernicious aid a good deal of it channelled through charities with left wing policies; it is nouveau-colonialism. These are the same people who will come out with the line that the "UN should do something" because their belief in the state is so ingrained that they have utter belief, faith perhaps?, in any all government structures even ones that are faux such as the UN. States are defined by body of legislation and these people think that everybody fundamentally must do as the rules state (perhaps the rules of state? ) especially the under class or the foreigner. Though the middle class left also think laws are optional if they inconvenience them. They are a product of the state, have faith in the state, and if they are in trouble the state will save them. All in all they believe themselves to be safe in even in Middle East because they are untouchable. Unfortunately ISIS is the antithesis of all their thinking. If you take Islam out of the equation and the barbaric extremes what you have with ISIS is a small government, conservatism, and the individual taking responsibility for themselves. In the West they want to take your guns away in ISIS they are quite happy for you to have a gun. The trouble is when these left wing do gooders do these stupid things they want the traditionally conservative minded men with guns from our side to rescue them. Socialism always fails real world tests. Lastly ISIS is only problem because our society thinks it is better than ISIS in that it doesn't indulge in barbarism or what some here would call realistically robust military action. Our 19th century forebears with our technology would roll up ISIS in a season's campaigning. We will still be wringing our hands as the hordes are closing on our Alamos in the West and running out of ammo. The left's social engineering will do for Western civilisation.

    1. Not if we use the old Rope, tree socialist, some assembly required technique!
      These American socialist better recall the first ones against the wall are the government that failed the people, meaning them not the loyal opposition who told us better.
      Screw the pooch bad enough and all the unicorn fantasies in the world won't save them.

  3. Não duvido de mais nada.
    Como disse o Salomão, as notícias tem cor cinza.
    Em algum lugar na Rede lí que, os degolados até agora eram agentes da CIA (um do Mossad).
    Não sei mais em quem acreditar.
    Melhor voltar ao bom e velho emprirismo.
    Só acredito no que meus olhos mostram.

    1. Translated via google translator from Portuguese.
      I do not doubt anything.
      As Solomon said, the news has gray.
      Somewhere I read that on the Net, the beheaded so far were CIA agents (one of the Mossad).
      I do not know who to believe.
      Better get back to the good old emprirismo.
      I only believe what my eyes show.
      It is indeed a gray area to look at, were these CIA as was Stevens and his doomed team? who can know.
      The last man beheaded was Haines and as far as can be understood he was a good man who only went to help the poor people displaced by the war.
      a verdade, é uma área cinzenta para olhar, eram estes CIA como era Stevens e sua equipe condenado? quem o conhecerá.
      O último homem decapitado foi Haines e, tanto quanto pode ser entendido que ele era um homem bom, que só foi ajudar as pessoas pobres deslocadas pela guerra.

    2. Forgot to translate, thanks zebra.

  4. At this point in time the west and the US are on the ropes, able to fight to a knock out win, but unable to summon up the guts to do what must be done.
    Obama has run his lead from behind, no war peace options into the ground and has little to show for it.
    It's not a ropa dope he's pulling and he is far from being knocked out himself, he just cannot summon up the courage and the guts to get off the ropes. bounce back and deliver that knock out punch via a full scale get off the boat and go all the way ass kicking Air, Sea, Ground gut busting full on war campaign, neither can his administration, neither can his supporters, Hollywood and his loyal voters and the ones who saw this coming have lost the give a shit needed to do the job that now, has to be done WORLD WAR TWO STYLE Total War, if we are not to see this act spread from Syria and Iraq to the streets of the USA.
    Obama and company had better make up their minds whether to shit or get off the pot before an American port city gets vaporized, someplace like liberal NYC or Liberal San Francisco, oh then the cry will be for vengeance and I don't think the revenge will stop with just Muslim's, but may begin with liberal democrats, as well as stupid ast republican's as well as clueless libertarian's.
    Got news gov, It is a war, you clowns may have declared peace and even victory and walked the fuck away grinning about what you did to the Bush win but Islam didn't, they mean to cut your stupid liberal/conservative fucking career politician heads off and place them on the fence around the White House.
    Wise up, wake up or die choking in your own blood.
    It is a WAR, that is the abject reality, you cannot disregard abject reality this time and replace it with a Unicorn skittled, fairy dusted reality of your own in some fantasy world of your mind.
    The Buck stops with you clowns collectively.
    There is simply no one else to blame.
    Submit to Islam, Pay the dhimmi tax and become slaves, or die.
    Or, you can fight you gutless political ass holes.
    Though I doubt you clowns got the guts for a real fight against real enemies instead of your own countrymen who just disagree about queers and race and religion.
    I'm thinking Islam is gonna eat you fucks alive.

  5. In other ISIS-related news - U.S Marine Corp Harriers have finally gone hot in Iraq.

  6. As a person who lives in Pennsylvania (note I don't refer to myself as a Pennsylvanian) this freaks me out for two reasons.

    1) I'm not a huge fan of the police for multiple reason, BUT they do serve a purpose and we do need them. I don't want there to be shortage of them.
    2) I feel like this is the kind of stuff that the government uses as an excuse to militarize police. That's NOT what we want. This is not how you prevent it/stop it.


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