Tuesday, September 09, 2014

It's Only Sexist When Men Do It

Thanks Aybars for the link!!!


  1. We do live in a contrary world. One race uses a certain word as label for another and it is racist. But if the latter use the same word it is fine. Burn one religion's book in a public place and be persecuted for a hate crime; burn another religion's book in a public and nothing happens. Killing a child in the womb is right; executing a convicted multi-murderer is wrong. The only consistency in all of it is that the left setting the agenda.

  2. Based on the first 30 seconds of the video, I could see where he was going and might have even agreed with his conclusions.....however, even for my 22 yr Marine Corps ears, the language was so course.....

    I am as grown up as they come and I have used (and in my line of work still use) coarse language, but this character takes it over the top.

    My "lines" are rather blurry on many subjects, but calling women, and do not care what they do, that word....demeans his argument and shuts down most anyone that happens to listen.

    1. really? i found him more funny than coarse. perhaps i'm looking at the insanity of the world that we live in and the things that people rally around to become enraged about and see this guy pushing back against the conventional wisdom, "settled issues" and common beliefs today that i felt his language was necessary to show the stupidity of the situation.

      want to hear coarse language? go to a high school. besides. you guys were in the Corps. you heard worse during PT and didn't bat an eye. what happened to make you go soft?


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