Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Now a School District has an MRAP!!!!

via NBC7 San Diego.
A heavily armored vehicle is now a part of the San Diego Unified School District Police Department’s arsenal, though administrators say it will only be used for rescues.
The hand-me-down Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle was granted to the department through a federal government program. The district did not have to pay for the $733,000, taxpayer-funded piece of equipment, similar to those used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to protect troops against IEDs.
Just plain fucking wow!


  1. I thinks its only a matter of time before a Rap Artist gets a pimped out MRAP for his entourage.

  2. School districts have it's own police department!?

    1. I'm guessing the big cities school districts get miniature police departments, instead of school resource officers like in smaller schools. Good ole government bureaucracy at play.

  3. Does every single facet of the state have a police department?

    1. Yes, even the Police have a Police department it's called INTERNAL AFFAIRS, aka NKVD.

  4. Hey Sol, I got something for you. I don't know if you have seen it on yahoo news or not, but the leader of Open Carry Texas, you know the great guys and gals causing so many businesses to put up all the no guns sign, is also the leader of a Cop Blocker group. Cop blockers are now being called cop watchers since it is more pc and I think the group they have is actually called Tarrant County Peaceful streets project. All can be found on Facebook. Just wanted to get your and other guys thoughts on this particular group. As of Now he is trying to get as many as possible to now show up on traffic stops to film police while carrying openly. I'm afraid he is trying to escalate the situation, but wondering what y'all think. Here is a news story with their video and an officers video of an encounter I guess within the past week.


    1. Fucking Idiots.
      Asking for trouble from a source that will most assuredly give them all the trouble they can handle.

    2. I think the agency they are targeting is well restrained. I know if I was alone on a traffic stop and I see someone approach with a handgun or a rifle I would get my carbine out and be pegged on their chest until help arrives. I have no idea what they want and to me, even though this is Texas and everyone has a right to open carry certain guns, a normal person would not approach an officer while openly carrying a gun while the officer is on a traffic stop. This brings them immediately to interference with public duties due to the fact a reasonable person would know that an officer would have to turn their attention towards someone with a weapon disrupting the traffic stop. I have seen to many videos of bad guys calling buddies to a traffic stop and killing an officer to think everyone is harmless.

      Would you turn your back to them and continue like nothing is wrong???? Maybe its a double standard because I would think less of it around known hunting areas instead of an inner city.

      Defined as 38.15. INTERFERENCE WITH PUBLIC DUTIES. (a) A person
      commits an offense if the person with criminal negligence
      interrupts, disrupts, impedes, or otherwise interferes with:
      (1) a peace officer while the peace officer is
      performing a duty or exercising authority imposed or granted by
      (d) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that
      the interruption, disruption, impediment, or interference alleged
      consisted of speech only.

    3. This you? http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/i/newscms/2014_35/641986/140829-rifle-cop-0919_3cf9dbcb8b489a2dd79b1879c64e8008.jpg

      How close does someone have to be to be interfering with public duties? 5 feet? 20 feet? 3000? So you would point your carbine at someone across the street recording you for just having a slung rifle?

      Also, I live in East Texas, and you won't find me in a open carry or cop watchers video.

    4. That is an officer from MO. I would not go into a hostile crowd pointing a carbine at people randomly.

      Id say if its at night and you are close enough to where I can see you have a weapon and if I yell at you to stop where you are and you continue towards the traffic stop you have now just committed interfering with public duties. Remember it is based on what a reasonable person would do, not an activist.

      If an officer was on a stop and yelled over to you while you were openly carrying a gun that for your safety and his to not walk any closer until he was finished that seems like a reasonable request.

      Now if you pull up and hop out of a vehicle within 25 yards with a gun slung or on your hip you are a threat until determined otherwise. Which means time to upgrade from a handgun to a rifle until more officers arrive to determine your intent. It is easy to articulate officer safety concerns and why someone would be immediately detained at gun point until others arrive. Many gangs have used similar tactics as cop blockers to gain intel on officers and have killed officers on traffic stops in the past.

      I don't care if someone videos my contact with anyone, heck I have video watching me all the time. I do care if they bring a gun to a scene and I know that their group is hostile towards police to begin with. Many from cop blocker groups post things saying the only good cop is a dead one or the armed revolution is coming. I don't plan on being their third casualty of one of the nut jobs in their group. The two that killed the Las Vegas officers having lunch were linked to the cop blocker groups.

    5. Brilliant.
      That sort of $#!^-headedness from the Black Panthers "monitoring" police stops of black drivers in the 1960s was exactly the impetus to revoke loaded open- and unpermitted concealed-weapons carry in CA 50 years ago.

      Couldn't those @$$tards just go shoot themselves in both feet and save time?

      And as for SDUSD getting an MRAP, I guess there've been a lot of unreported daisy-chained 152mm IED hits going on there.

      One can only hope that that white elephant gets regularly pranked and monkeywrenched by every senior class as a graduation rite until it falls over. Filling it with water would seem to be a good first effort.

  5. Them California students ain't all hippies and gay I gather.

  6. Nothing to see here folks. They just want to make sure no one ditches school and misses out on Common Core. It's all a part of hope and change.


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