Sunday, September 28, 2014

Prepper Info. Make milk from nuts!

Click here to get the chart yourself if this is too small to read.  I think I'll try to make some homemade almond milk.

Oh and just to inform, I did the same experiment as American Mercenary on testing my food stores for a month.  That's why I am so interested in intermittent fasting.  I found that my reliance on being able to "restock" at the local grocery store was a definite minus.  Additionally what I had allotted for being a month of food was inadequate (weight lifting instead of doing survival tasks) if I was engaged in physical activity.

Also I think I'm going to do a 90 degree turn, follow Joe's advice (he's a fellow Marine---pics going up of some stuff that his FAST Team are doing soon) and switch from Atkins to Paleo because its more in keeping with the food stuffs available in case of a SHTF.


  1. Solomon:

    I know this is off topic but, I believe you will be interested:

    Dmitri Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, head of the Military-Industrial Commission, Special Envoy of the President and one of the most interesting and influential representatives of the "sovereignist Eurasia" and the man who one day could succeed Vladimir Putin. . Rogozin is absolutely hated by the Atlantic and the sovereignist AngloZionist Empire
    In this interview, Rogozin speaks at a domestic audience in one of the most popular shows on Russian TV.


    1. The tip of the Russian officials from the government is idiots, and also clowns. I got used to such kind of dumb statements. Unfortunately I can watch this shit every day with TV (I already don't) and now that doesn't make me laugh, rather that makes me cry because of stupidity of men who rule this country. There will be nothing good here until such people are in power.

  2. Paleo is great! Eliminates grains and my joints and back never felt better.
    Still, eliminating alcohol is unpleasant because sometimes a beer tastes amazing!
    And eliminating dairy means getting calcium is tough.

  3. Never even crossed my mind to do this. My SHTF food stock is mostly just MREs.

  4. Speaking of milk check this out about the USDA:

  5. Awesome :) The wife and I are already trying to figure out how we'll last through the upcoming February since we moved to Germany. The house is smaller, no dedicated food storage area, but we are looking to repurpose a walk in closet.


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