via Army Times.
The Army is looking for female soldiers who want to volunteer to attend Ranger school.Consider this a done deal.
The call-out is part of the Army’s ongoing effort to determine whether and how to open combat arms military occupational specialties to women.
Senior Army leaders are expected to decide in January if they want to move forward with this one-time, integrated Ranger school assessment. If the assessment moves forward, it likely will take place in the spring, and the Army will need volunteers already in place and ready to go, officials said Friday.
If the assessment takes place, it will be a first for the storied Ranger school, which until now has been open only to men.
“Right now we’re going through the deliberate planning process, identifying volunteers, and selecting them over the next few months,” said Lt. Col. Alayne Conway, an Army spokeswoman. “In January, we’ll determine the feasibility of conducting an assessment of the Ranger course in the spring of 2015.”
I find it funny that no one is coming forward and talking about the recruiting difficulties that the services are facing now.
I've gotten too many e-mails from Marines on the trail that tell me about the troubles that they're running into making mission. They blame former, retired and vets being pissed at the President and Amos...second come the message that males are getting burned by disgruntled females for chickenshit reasons...and last is the lowered standards/push for women in combat arms.
This move by the Army won't help things.
Being blunt. I only have respect for only a few Army outfits. I only respect a few of their schools.
One of them WAS the Ranger course. After this? No more. Ranger school will do as ordered and some female will be wearing a Ranger tab she didn't earn.
Awesome. Just don't expect me to respect it anymore. Those days are over.
Sidenote: Isn't it strange? On one hand we have men that assault women being charged with not only assault but domestic violence (if they know them) and yet on the other those same people are pushing to have women in combat arms!