Sunday, October 19, 2014

101st Airborne to Africa. Modern day charge of the light brigade.

Thanks for the link Neal.

via The Gateway Pundit.
The administration says they won’t need them.
Nashville Public Radio reported:

Troops from the 101st Airborne Division leading the military response to Ebola in West Africa will only need gloves and masks to protect themselves from the deadly virus, so said Gen. David Rodriguez at a Pentagon briefing Wednesday.
“They don’t need the whole suit – as such – because they’re not going to be in contact with any of the people,” the commander of U.S. troops in Africa said.

Soldiers from the 101st Airborne will primarily be building hospitals, ultimately leading what could be a contingent of 4,000 American service members. They’ll be housed either in tent cities at military airfields or in Liberian Ministry of Defense facilities, Rodriguez said.
Soldiers’ health will be monitored through surveys and taking their temperature on their way in and out of camps. If a service member does get sick, Rodriguez said they will be flown home immediately for treatment.
I've looked at the goals being established for the 101st Airborne on their deployment to Africa.

First just head over to the Shepherd of the Gurney's place and read about the real "Ebola".  Next consider the fact that they're hoping to have in place by December, 1700 treatment beds...and I believe 10 isolation wards.

That wouldn't help with what they're facing now, much less by December.

We're sending a US Army Brigade and I predict soon a division, into Africa to deal with an outbreak that is already out of control.  This isn't going to work as currently designed.  This is a public relations move at best.

The question that everyone should ask?  What happens if this strikes New York..a city with a large population from Liberia?  Dallas is one thing.  The city is car mobile, dispersed etc...New York?  Crowded, relying on mass transit, extremely dense with large crowds---everywhere.  Contact with other peoples bodily fluids is a given in that type of situation.

Many are acting as if this is over.  I'm not so sure.


  1. Funnily enough, I'm looking for contracts that don't require a train journey.

    The justification makes no sense.
    Either they will be exposed to Ebola and need moon suits
    Or they will not be exposed to Ebola and need no biological ppe

    Where is the middle ground that requires gloves and face masks?

    Surely an Ebola hospital needs nothing but isolation beds? What's the point of 1700 ward beds?

  2. At least NYC can be isolated at the tunnels and bridges a good air CAP and boat patrol.
    If this hits Chicago it would really get out of hand fast.


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