Tuesday, October 14, 2014

101st Airborne trains to step into the breach.

Soldiers from across the 101st Sustainment Brigade in the 101st Special Troops Battalion, 129th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, and 716th Military Police Battalion joined with members of Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 101st Airborne Division to receive special training for their upcoming humanitarian mission to West Africa to assist in combating the Ebola pandemic. The Soldiers received a force protection briefing outlying the dangers Soldiers will face from diseases that are endemic to the area and counter measures on how to keep them healthy and mission capable. Then a team of specialists from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and the West Virginia National Guard Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high yield explosive enhanced response force packages (CERFP) gave instructions on the use and proper wear of equipment that will prevent Soldiers from contracting Ebola Virus Disease.

These pictures fill me with dread.

I might have a tin foil hat on when it comes to this issue but I sincerely believe that we are not being told the real deal when it comes to Ebola...or worse, those in charge THINK they know when they really don't.

This will not end well.


  1. Sol now they have the nurses dog in quarantine being watched by officers, and her boyfriend. Boyfriend worked for Alcon so now Alcon has to figure out everything he touched and recall it. If they keep quarantining everyone and post 2 officers to watch them 24/7 for 21 days this will tax local law enforcement unless it's turned into an overtime detail.

    1. Well, someone needs to watch the watchers too!

    2. Wait till some fuel or food distribution center gets an infected or the money distribution center of a bank.
      Say Tyson foods, Texaco or Bank of Someplace big.
      The ABC reporter is lucky he didn't touch any newspapers or printing equipment.
      Think of the NYT after a news print handler gets the bug, no more paper.
      Not to mention a shit paper distributor!

  2. God bless brave men and women who would go to fight Ebola to protect us all.

    It seems no one really get a picture of what Ebola really is -- just try to imagine flue with ~70% mortality. Its just me or first rider have arrived?

  3. How Does a Gas Mask Protect Against Chemical?

    a particle filter which removes any bacteria in the inhaled air. There is essentially no chemistry involved here, just a physical barrier that forms a field between the toxins and the face. When a particle is inhaled, it hits the fibers on the filter and becomes tangled before it ever has the chance to reach the nose or mouth and move down to the lungs.The second element is based on a chemical process called adsorption, and removes toxic molecules. Through adsorption, analogous to the way a cigarette filter reduces the amount of toxins a person inhales when smoking.

    anyway it not airborn...

    1. @megan megan.

      they're operating in a tropical environment. do you have any experience about how hot those suits are? do you know how you hydrate while wearing a mask? do you think that you can keep from becoming a heat casualty while wearing one of those suits while at the same time you're scared shitless to risk drinking from your canteen because some bodily fluid might have gotten on the tube?

      this is hardly secure. this ebola is different. this mission is fool hardy. this will go badly.

    2. Not Airborne....This has not been 100% established as a fact.
      Micro droplets of sweat, sputum, spit, urine, vomit (projectile vomit is already airborne) and Diarrhea are able to become fine enough to float on the breeze.
      The standard gas mask filter is riot control. Upgraded per mission it can protect against lethal gas and vapors as well as virus particles.
      BUT, I wouldn't trust it with Ebola and I wouldn't wish this on a broke dick dog.

    3. How fine are alpha and beta radiation particles/fallout compared to Viral Ebola?

    4. Everyone is throwing around the "its not airborne" card because it makes them feel better. This is as criminal as saying "oh its not that contagious".

      As Aesop has posted multiple times, and as a LPN relative of mine adamantly stated, it only takes a picogram of spittle or droplets to infect somebody with anything, to include ebola. If you sneeze, how many droplets are splattered in a 3 foot circle around you? if you cought, how many? or vomiting? That is why the "oh its not airborne" excuse doesn't give me a warm fuzzy with ebola because it is really bullshit. In confined areas, it can be considered airborne, especially on a airplane, bus, or metro rail line.

      Furthermore, when you flush a toilet, the same thing happens. Its quite disguisting to think about and you will never leave your toothbrush uncovered in your bathroom again.

    5. That's true! When a toilet is flushed the bathroom and many adjacent areas are inundated with micro particles of EColi, I saw that on Mythbusters trying to figure out if a toothbrush had more germs in a bathroom or outside.

  4. The best chance of survival for these troops?
    To be elsewhere.
    At least this beats the typical combat MOPP which was all I expected them to be given.
    The standard masks are good enough, and the drinking hose is a factor of infection, the tip and the canteen connection are the weak points.
    Perhaps whats needed is a self contained OBA like the Navy uses fire fighting.
    Heat casualties?
    Hell, I marched the perimeter of GITMO with typical load out not wearing a Mask, or MOPP suit and my sleeves rolled up had access to plenty of water, had no Ebola to fear and almost croaked!
    Temperature was 112 f at 100% humidity.
    Just wearing that suit and standing still can kill you in Africa of heat stroke.
    Whoinaphuc dreamed this shit up?
    I bet he ain't gonna be there!

  5. I have had to where MOPP4 and also the full blown hazmat protective "moonsuit" in the tropics, after 30 minutes, I was drenched in sweat and was pretty much done for the day......I really am having a hard time believing that this disease isn't far more contagious than what CDC, WHO, etc are saying.....


  6. 5 Viruses That Are Scarier Than Ebola

    Come on...There are more dangerous viruses then Ebola – routine Influenza for example, it kills thousands around the Globe each day. Ebola threats to the country where people so poor to for shit where they eat with no Sewerage or epidemiological service.

  7. It's not Ebola that kills, it's the civil breakdown after an outbreak that kills.
    Panic, fear and uncertainty breed violence and cause more harm than any disease.
    You can treat the flu with normal nursing, vaccines and care.
    There is no way Ebola can be treated without more extraordinary care than hospital's are able to give.
    You can nurse. comfort and bury your dead with dedicated protection from flu contagion, you cannot with Ebola.
    To stand at a distance and watch your loved ones die without care or comfort then allowed to rot in place is nothing as bad as the flu is.
    Incompetence and stupidity as well as over estimating your abilities to contain Ebola are what kills, and it kills when the very fabric of society breaks down.


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