Wednesday, October 08, 2014

2nd person in Frisco Texas that had contact with Duncan shows signs of Ebola.

Today Duncan died.

Today, a person that states that they had contact with Duncan says they have Ebola symptoms and they're evacuating him to the hospital.

The President still will not close our borders.  Still insists on airlines flying to West Africa and still will not answer questions about the mystery virus that is attacking school children.

Act 2 of this tragedy has just begun.  Buckle up.  Its gonna get bumpy.

Sidenote:  Where are those people that stated I was crying "chicken little" now?

Sidenote 1:  We could be looking at a major body blow to the economy that could send us into a deep recession.  We're coming up on the Christmas shopping season.  What happens if Ebola continues to be a worry?  Malls will empty.  So will restaurants, movie theaters, sports events, concerts etc...We could be looking at a 4th quarter that is so far below expectations that its effects in the US could circle the globe.  STARTING WITH REDUCED US DEMAND FOR CHINESE GOODS!  Personally I find that thought thrilling because it will be a major blow to those who push the global market place AND Chinese leadership.  This might be a painful time but its going to be fun to watch.


  1. "Sidenote: Where are those people that stated I was crying "chicken little" now?"
    They'll be along with new goal posts shortly.

    It'll never get to the US
    It'll never kill anyone in the US
    It'll never infect anyone in the US
    It'll never infect anyone in the US who goes on to die

    It'll never cause a pandemic in the US will be the next arguement...

    1. Well, you have to agree that's much harder to cause a pandemic in US than in the Africa.

    2. have you ever watched kids at a playground or in a classroom? have you ever seen the malls during Christmas season? have you ever been to the Super Dome? what about a county fair? how good is the food handling at your favorite resturaunt? oh and remember. our 1st class medical system sent the guy home when he was showing signs of the disease and after he told the nurse that he had been in West Africa.

      so tell me again how much harder it is to cause a pandemic in the US than Africa! remember swine flu? all it will take is for this virus to mutate and become airborne and then all bets are off.

    3. Andre
      Quite the opposite. Its much easier.
      People travel.

      Infected person sneezes on his hand before putting luggage on the over head rack in a train
      Uninfected person gets the luggage down, contaminating his hand. Buys bacon butty, hand infects butty, butty infects mouth, micro abrasions from brushing teeth infects person.
      This person, now infectious, a few days later gets a train that goes from Manchester to Edinburgh, or the same actual carriage ends up on that line, and youve covered north to south and east to west in a few days.

      Ebola doesnt spread in Africa because a bad cold is reason to stay home, and thats pretty much what the early infectious symptoms are, do you stay home everytime you sneeze, have aches, and a headache? I dont, I sneeze in to my hand, wipe it on a tissue, or my coat, press the button the open the train door and go about my merry way. If I'm ebola infected, Im taking a LOT of people to hell with me....

    4. Travel is the key to spreading disease.

      On my way to visit family in the US south for Christmas, there's isolated interstate-cities in Kentucky that I won't stop at. Simply because sleeping there virtually guarantees that I'll bring the stomach flu south with me.

    5. Yeah, I agree with you guys, it's easy to spread any virus today.
      At least you guys can control this.

    6. Andre: The Spanish flu that killed so many people during WW 1 and 1919 world wide had it's origin at Fort. Riley Kansas.
      Soldier's drafted from farms and cities, infected and sick were shipped on troop trains and troop transports across the US to Europe to the British Empire and France from there it spread all over the world.
      Killed millions.

  2. Oh Judge Jenkins? where are you now Bubba?
    I bet that little glad handing trip to the infected apt doesn't look so cool now does it?
    I bet the family just do not STFU about your lack of care or intelligence.
    Why won't they simply shut down travel to infected areas?
    They shut down travel by air for a week after 9/11.
    It's as if he wants us all to suffer Ebola effects.

  3. Nigeria is much closer to the Ebola outbreak and has had a few cases but over time quarantines have worked. As callous as it sounds, in the scheme of things a few people dying isn't going to be the end of the world. Also, never underestimate Americans desire to shop.

    1. you're being hopeful. take a step back. look at the reaction now! if we get even two or three more patients in teh next couple of weeks then we'll be at the beginning of nov and thats the start of the shopping season...with the fear of an ebola outbreak????

      the stock market almost lost a point because they thought the fed might raise interest rates. that tells me everything i need to know. shit is slow and ebola could be the camel that breaks globalizations back. i'm hoping anyway.

    2. No, the stock market sold off yesterday because the German industrial production figure was a decent size contraction. Also the data out of China for their service sector showed more signs of slowing down. The world growth prospects right now are simply poor, and the energy sector of the stock market is getting decimated. Have you seen where West Texas crude is right now? It traded below 86 for a while today. Lower gasoline prices are on the way. This is bad news for the oil companies and great news for the consumer heading into Christmas season.

  4. Also for those like Sol interested in China's domination of production of consumer goods, I have excellent long term news. Their cost advantage is getting eroded quickly. Wages in China are rising north of 8 percent a year, while wages in the US are stagnant. This article explains the situation well.

  5. The notable lack of enthusiasm for peddling the government's line of BS is but a humorous aside to the story.

    The story is the next 10 Duncans who get here, and what happens after that, and what happens after that.

    In the grand scheme, Douchebag Duncan will prove to have been yet another totally ignored warning shot across our collective national bow, while the administration of Team Jackass continues full speed ahead straight at the iceberg, in broad daylight.

    1. What is hilarious (sad) is that the hipsters at put in their 2 cents about the whole thing, which can be concluded as

      1.) downplaying the whole thing
      2.) "no, the gvt has it under control!" "they said so!"
      3.) "its not as contagious as people think!"
      4.) "there are other diseases which are way worse!"

      A bunch of cocksuckery if there ever was such a thing. Its a good thing you already addressed those arguments a long time ago.

    2. I notice no one is giving him the treyvon or Brown treatment, no memorials or streets named for him.
      I imagine if shit goes south he will become synonymous with Typhoid Mary.

  6. Keep a watch around you, it will become clear what the true SitRep is when friends and neighbors get sick, funerals are not held and the brown outs begin.
    Ya can't run a power plant with half the crew sick or scared to come in.
    Listening to the gov and the media or rumor just won't do.
    This gov has shown it will lie in our faces and not give a damn when we find out, the media will cover for them and rumor, hell that's just bullshit on wheels.


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