First check out the above video.
Now check this out from Shepherd of the Gurneys...
Apparently, someone seems to have found whatever was keeping the needle stuck.I couldn't understand the State Dept memo.
To wit:
24 Oct 2014 12,008 cases 5,078 deaths
19 Oct 2014 9,936 cases 4,877 deaths
17 Oct 2014 9,693 cases 4,811 deaths
2000 new cases in the last FIVE days?!!
Sweet blazing hell! If you're in Africa, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
Look at the chart on the page; it hasn't increased by 2000 cases in the last 3 weeks.
Earlier today, I was about to note that I missed a WaPo news report a couple weeks back that related the Pentagon has revised their timetable for completing the 1700 beds; it's now going to take until early December, rather than mid-November, i.e. another 2-3 weeks.
I was going to note how far behind they'd be when they finally get to December.
But now, that whole post is pointless.
Those 1700 beds just became obsolete between last Sunday and last Friday morning.
And it's taking us 9 weeks to make 1700 beds' worth of facilities.
Ebola is making 400 new patients per day.
For the love of God, get our troops the hell out of there right fucking now!
Just tell them to drop their shit where it is, grab their duffel bag, and be on the runway ready to go in 5 minutes, fly in, pick them up, and just GO!
Yeah, it was a leak, but something like this to be leaked this close to an election made me pause.
Then I read the article that SoG's posted and it all made sense.
Africa is on the verge of a full blown pandemic.
For those that are of a certain mindset get ready. For those that think all is is. I stand by my initial assessment. They're gonna try and keep a lid on things till after the Christmas holidays...and then watch out.
Oh and consider this. This administration has been lurching from one crisis to another. This will just be par for the course.