Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Africa is on the verge of a full blown pandemic...

First check out the above video.

Now check this out from Shepherd of the Gurneys...
Apparently, someone seems to have found whatever was keeping the needle stuck.
To wit:
24 Oct 2014 12,008 cases 5,078 deaths
19 Oct 2014 9,936 cases 4,877 deaths
17 Oct 2014 9,693 cases 4,811 deaths
2000 new cases in the last FIVE days?!!
Sweet blazing hell! If you're in Africa, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
Look at the chart on the page; it hasn't increased by 2000 cases in the last 3 weeks.
Earlier today, I was about to note that I missed a WaPo news report a couple weeks back that related the Pentagon has revised their timetable for completing the 1700 beds; it's now going to take until early December, rather than mid-November, i.e. another 2-3 weeks.
I was going to note how far behind they'd be when they finally get to December.
But now, that whole post is pointless.
Those 1700 beds just became obsolete between last Sunday and last Friday morning.
And it's taking us 9 weeks to make 1700 beds' worth of facilities.
Ebola is making 400 new patients per day.
For the love of God, get our troops the hell out of there right fucking now!
Just tell them to drop their shit where it is, grab their duffel bag, and be on the runway ready to go in 5 minutes, fly in, pick them up, and just GO!
I couldn't understand the State Dept memo.

Yeah, it was a leak, but something like this to be leaked this close to an election made me pause.

Then I read the article that SoG's posted and it all made sense.

Africa is on the verge of a full blown pandemic.

For those that are of a certain mindset get ready.  For those that think all is well...it is.  I stand by my initial assessment.  They're gonna try and keep a lid on things till after the Christmas holidays...and then watch out.

Oh and consider this.  This administration has been lurching from one crisis to another.  This will just be par for the course.


  1. Heads up Sol,

    I'm seeing *unconfirmed* reports starting to appear saying that Ebola has been found in old US Army studies to go fully airborne in low-temp, low-humidity environments. Meaning that the high heat and humidity of central Africa may actually be holding it back there.

    Were they air-conditioning the facilities where those doctors in Africa caught it despite standard precautions? If AC is available, anyone wearing one of those protective sweat-suits would probably be begging for it. Not realizing that the AC itself made the virus much more contagious.

    Again, *unconfirmed*. But plausible. It may not be Ebola that changed, but the environments in the facilities where patients were treated.

    1. SandWrm interesting thought. Air conditioning is basically a dehumidifier it pulls the water out of the air or conditions it then cools it, so not sure if that would be your culprit. High humidity high temp being a breeder.

      I am starting to think it is just more along the lines that Ebola is allot more resilient outside the host than anyone is admitting to.


      That is a tough virus. Spit, snot, saliva, blood, sweat, all fluids that are pouring out of these patients living for up to 50days were ever they fall? You don't need to be airborne the common cold is not airborne (even though blown fluids should be considered airborne) but one kid gets it in school and then everyone has it. Fluids are very contagious very transferable think how many objects in your daily travels you touch after how many others touched it, door handles, meters, tables, papers, tools, pens, etc.... Now back those objects up 50days and multiply.

      When I read that 50 days story all I could think of was a video I saw about a village that survived Ebola and everyone staged in standoff no touching the people that got infected were quarantined till dead, then burnt, and their homes were frozen no one touched anything that was theirs. The only people dum enough to enter were the reporters. Makes sense now they must have seen those who broke that rule get infected and die later.

      We should be doing what we can to protect our selves but the great O and his ilk are more worried about foreigners feelings than the gen pop. I really don't like how they are so full of themselves putting off that they are confident in detail to when people are actually infectious and not, I would bet that varies allot person to person, health, age, genes, etc. Tin foil hat he is such a hardcore I would hate to think it but I wouldn't put the possibility past him being one of those eco freaks that think the problem is to many people. 12monkeys etc... its retarded but to me but so is hating the nation that gave you everything.

      Regardless the US should
      1. Quarantine everyone coming all known ebola countries for min 30days
      2. All ER staff should be given a list of systems and anyone fitting them should be culled then isolated immediately until tested otherwise
      3. Task force should be setup to immediately follow up a positive test with finding, detaining, all with contact of patient for 30days.
      4. Bring back the incinerators any and all waste up to including the bodies should be burnt to ash.
      5. Houses sealed for min 3months

      Those are over reactive with excessive answers but the whole goal would be to try to keep this genie in the bottle. Once it is running through the street it will be to late the only answer will be insane changes.

    2. i don't wish evil on the dwellers of New York city but the cavalier attitude that they express, the lack of preparedness and the downright arrogance that they're showing makes me want to sit back, watch and pass around the beer and popcorn.

      if this shit breaks out in a major city then katy bar the door. we're going to see madness in America.

    3. SandWyrm, I agree, but it is *known* that low temperatures increase the survival time of the Ebola virus. Nothing "unconfirmed" about this.

    4. SandWyrm, I agree that hospitals are probably the main way Ebola spreads. Doctors Without Borders may be helping the spread of Ebola. "Ebola tourism" by healthcare workers should be stopped.

      Hospitals were found to be the main cause of Ebola transmission in the first outbreak, back in 1976.

  2. It's called geometric expansion. This was predictable several months ago.

    1. Shepherd of the Gurneys was predicting this increase months ago when everyone was saying it was nothing.

    2. or aka compound interest.
      1,000 infected they infect just 2 people
      21days later
      2,000 cases plus roughly 700 dead
      21days later
      4,000 cases 1400 dead
      8000 cases 2800 dead
      16000 cases 5600 dead

      And this is only assuming 2 new for every one infected, in reality in Africa especially I would wager that it is much worse than that.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Medical solutions to the African Ebola epidemic are no longer possible. What is needed is martial law, with a blockade of the affected countries and suspension of travel even within the affected areas. People should be "encouraged" to stay at home, until the epidemic dies out. Healthcare workers only add to the problem.

    If you read histories of the first Ebola outbreak in Congo (then Zaire,) this is how it was contained. But then the "evil" Mobutu was in charge, not the "nice" leaders of these newly born "democracies."

    1. Those US troops being deployed should have gone to the surrounding nations heavy with drones and patrol equipment to support those nations in holding their borders.

      The doctor stuff should have been done off our mercy hospital ships using helos/small boats to intake and output patients.

    2. Exactly. Enforce a naval blockade, too. And close the airports (by bombing them, if necessary.) It's the only way to be sure...

  5. And that 12000 number will be double in 2 to 3 weeks.

  6. Hell by doubling every three weeks we are looking at a million infected by July or August.

    1. yeah I posted a while back a link that the CDC or WHO put out that showed if something major wasn't done it will hit 500k in January. Im still trying to find the map they talked about on Fox news that the WHO updates each week of the likelihood Ebola will pop up in which country and state.

    2. http://www.who.int/csr/disease/ebola/ebola-geographic-map-20-oct-2014.png?ua=1

      This one?

    3. http://www.who.int/csr/disease/ebola/maps/en/

      This is a map page from WHO.

  7. http://nypost.com/2014/10/29/cdc-admits-droplets-from-a-sneeze-could-spread-ebola/


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