Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Another nurse caught Ebola from Duncan...

via NBC News
A second Texas health care worker who provided care for Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncanhas contracted the virus, according to preliminary test results released early Wednesday. The worker reported a fever Tuesday and was immediately isolated at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, state health officials said in a statement. Confirmatory testing will be carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. "Health officials have interviewed the latest patient to quickly identify any contacts or potential exposures, and those people will be monitored," the Texas Department of State Health Services said. "The type of monitoring depends on the nature of their interactions and the potential they were exposed to the virus." It is the third case diagnosed in the U.S.
The worker was among those who took care of Duncan, who died a week ago after he wasdiagnosed with Ebola earlier this month. The first Texas Health Presbyterian nurse to become infected, Nina Pham, said in a statement Tuesday that she was "doing well" and grateful for her care. The CDC described the latest case involving a health care worker as a "serious concern." In a statement, it added: "As we have said before, because of our ongoing investigation, it is not unexpected that there would be additional exposures." Ebola is spread through direct contact with bodily fluids of a sick person or exposure to contaminated objects such as needles. People are not contagious before symptoms such as fever develop.

Do you remember the arrogance in the Medical Community when the first patients arrived in the US from Africa?  Do you remember all the "volunteers" that lined up to treat them?

Remember being told that what happened in Africa would never happen here?

Remember all the talk about the "science" being known and how we could handle it?

It was all lies.

Ebola has a foothold.

This will get worse.


  1. It’s actually getting worse: the number of cases in West Africa continues to increase at an exponential rate.

    when india or china will get hit will be time to panic

    1. Wrong... Nigeria and Senegal did not have any new cases from 21 days. The situation at least there start to be under control.

  2. Sol' you are panicking, you have how many sick by now... 3? You know how many in the same time would be sick in Africa? 300... 301... 302... 303...

    Have some faith in medical service or run away to the north in to cold mountains (equatorial type viruses hate cold) and hide.

    1. fuck you shas. i'm not panicking. i'm looking at a situation and coming to a conclusion that differs from that being put out by my govt. additionally, my govt is allowing flights from the infected countries to continue, has messed up containment of the disease and has essentially shut down a major hospital in a metropolitan area, has no control of our borders and we have more than 100 people that could possibly be infected while the hospital in question only has 3 infectious disease beds.

      what does that mean? it means that if we have 100 cases from this incident then "our modern medical system" will be put out of business in the Southern United States to deal with them. by extension that means that many more people will die because of one man.

      if every hospital from Colorado to Atlanta have only 3 beds capable of dealing with infectious diseases...if every patient needs around the clock care, if the people that the infected came in contact with need to be monbitored by police, then YES we are seeing a breakdwon.

      you need to be more aware. more discerning of truths that you might not like and more aware of danger.

      say what you like but don't you dare accuse me of panicking when officials said it would never get this far. this is justifiable concern that every American should have. when it hits your country and it will. ... missionaries are great people but stupid.....then you can sit back and sing all is well all day long.

    2. You overreacting Sol' Europe, US are much more sophisticated medical institutions, much more efficient. You have 3... 3! cases of Ebola in the society of 318 millions. We know hob Ebola acts, how it's spread, we have much bigger health awareness, huge number of medics and paramedics. Number of trained medical personnel in one US state is larger then in half of those African states that have outbreaks.

      And if Nigeria and Senegal were able to contain and lower down outbreak with a lot less resources and help or medical installations then I suppose the Mighty US of A will be fine.

      If not... then your country is more fuck up then some African shit hole. Not to offense both USA of African nations, but c'mon... if they were able to do this, you also can do this.

    3. Shas: There are six suspected infected, Possibly at least 9, plus 76 who handled Duncan, a boyfriend and his work place.
      Duncan apparently was NOT PLACED IN IMMEDIATE QUARANTINE but allowed to lie in an unsecured and open room with up to 7 other patients. PPE protocol was not followed at all and was changed every day as stated by the nurses.
      Never read the news reports and expect to hear the truth.
      A massive world wide CYA is underway, there are more victims and more infected than they are telling us.
      The fact that Europe, Russia, China, India and the Middle East report NO EBOLA CASES is as suspicious as it gets. Nigeria and Senegal are lying to prevent anyone taking advantage or worsening their situation by actually stating the truth.
      If you haven't already Shas go read Stephen Kings book the stand, you have time and remember Normalcy is maintained right up till only the survivors were cognizant shit had fallen apart.
      What we hear, and read is an iceberg of what we don't know.
      This nation has watched it's leaders lie to our faces and not give a rats hairy ass if and when we found out they were lying.
      The nation is not as fucked up as Africa but it's leadership is as totally fucked up as it can get.

    4. Panic?
      If I am panicking I am gone dark and not on the internet.
      I am locked in and gone to ground.
      I am not panicked BUT I am checking my six and keeping aware of the situation all it takes is an outbreak that shuts down civil services and the riots will begin, the mass migrations from city to country and vice versus.
      Shut down enough services, hospitals, doctors,police, state patrol, government and simple basic supply sources by lock down, declare a major health emergency and martial law and you will have scared and pissed off a lot of folks.

      Scare enough people and Ebola will be a minor inconvenience.

      Piss enough off and you have civil war.

      Hell, scare enough of the three to seven million New illegal immigrants with some disease and government crackdown they don't understand and a language barrier and the wave of frantic scared Migrants heading home will swamp the system.

      This crap is able to do all of the above.

      I was up till a few days ago not up to speed on this situation, I have since educated myself.
      It's not panic, it's being knowledgeable of the true danger of this whole bag of shit.

    5. In Europe we have some Ebola patients, some dead patients also but we are in the same media showbiznes like US, first pages on newspapers. When two days ago some drunken idiot (this will be the most calm word I can describe it) call medics that he have Ebola whole system was in work, special ambulance, specially trained paramedics, quarantine ect. and at the end... he was drunken idiot that drink to much and hist belly hurt... argh. That was one of top news in country even before gov. officials said anything.

      Nah, Zebra, those pesky reporters are everywhere, we would know if some cases would appear.

      And this is not information from Senegal or Nigeria but report from WHO, and they would not lie in that situation (as this is more cash for them for medical operations ect.)

      Ah I read King a lot, the Fog is one of my favorites ever (not the movie of course).

      Well, the dose of paranoid is good... keep you ready, but it's easy to overdose it. I believe in humans, even if it's really hard sometimes. It's not always dark there, sometimes it's shiny day, prepare yourself but keep fate in your nation.

    6. If you think the official patients are the only infected we have in the US, then you're delusional.

  3. In West Africa, Ebola is currently doubling every 3 weeks.

    But in the United States right now, where the CDC knows how to control Ebola, and any hospital can treat Ebola patients, with our modern medical care system, and easy availability of first-world sanitation, it took Ebola 21 days to double.

    And the CDC is changing their stories faster than a Kindle user on crack.

  4. Don't forget 75 other health care workers are at home getting paid and having to self monitor. Now they finally said they have set a place up for those wanting to get away from their families, but they would not force the issue. This is where military command structure would help slow this. They could force them into isolation and not let them continue to infect new people. I guess the Feds are picking up the tab for the locals to sit at home, have police "protection" hell they have 2 officers 24/7 watching a damn dog.

    If Ebola pops up in a few other hospitals think of how quickly the hospitals will suffer if everyone of them has to send 75 workers home for 21 days to make sure this doesn't spread rampantly.

    1. i've been thinking about that alot.

      remember the internet howls of concentration camps...or more properly called...FEMA camps?

      you would have the very scenario some fear happen and it'll be cheered by some, by others seen as the coming of the end days. people being forced into camps and then never being seen again.

      if they don't do it they're gonna be damned. if they do they're going to lite the fuse that will send some people active.

      i say again. this will not end well.

    2. I started wondering about those FEMA camps yesterday. I also had the same thought that most sensible people would agree for the sites as quarantine areas for the sick and high probability of being sick, but then you have the anti (fill in the blank) that would go ape sh&* crazy. The nut jobs would claim police state or if the state guard did it then its Obama using the military to send people to death camps. So that leaves us with let the virus spread much slower than in Africa, but I think once whatever the mythical number is that taxes the medical system then it will spread rapidly.
      Or nip it in the butt and start transporting the infected and high risk to the camp while fighting the militias and anarchists..

    3. IF and thats a huge IF Shas and C-Low are right and my tin foil hat is on too tight i still think we need to isolate those people that have been identified as contacts. we had a Dr that works for NBC news that violated quarantine and she knows better! what are the chances of someone without that knowledge saying hey a quick trip to the grocery store won't hurt?

      the "anti"s will bitch and moan. some might go active but i think its time to consider a quarantine of the infected and the suspected.

      the real problem? the US govt would have to declare a state of emergency to inact the type of power that they'll need. its not gonna happen with an election a few weeks away.

    4. Hell, I'm glad Sol and Aesop educated my dumb ass about Ebola, what I did not know would have killed me.

    5. The problem with quarenteine camps is they are death camps
      If I was at risk sure as sure I'd be home alone, the family with family, who in turn would be with other family.
      But forcing all the susfects to one place is nothing short of execution by biowarfare.
      Unless you can seriously isolate the susfects from each other, one dead is all dead

  5. What agrivates me is how the politicks keep saying how hard it is to contract this virus but we keep seeing trained proffesional healthcare workers get infected. I understand unsuspecting citizens but nurses and doctors that know whats up?

    I don't feel this is out of control as yet we are approaching the 30day safe zone on the family and friends of Duncan and so far the only additional cases are medical workers that I pray were responsible enough to notice the threat and quarantine themselves before they become contagious enough to infect their circles.

    Total layman's speculation but it looks as though this virus gets more infectious as the host dies. Considering that maybe the cure is not a anti-virus or some custom drugs but very simply early detection. We should work very hard to get some form of blood or saliva test that can pickup the virus in its early stages when a infected can still be quarantined to stop the spread. Until then we should be rounding up everyone that has had any contact with the known infected for 30days min and burning their houses, cars, clothes, etc.. immediate aggressive decon of their known living zones.

    Eitherway our exposure here in the states is minor and would not even be a threat if we had competent people at the helm. We have sheltered kids turned Harvard debate squad running things, learning about what us common peasant class call REALITY as they go. The head of the CDC is the mainline pusher of Bloombergs trans fat and super soda bans, he is not a infectious disease guy like one would assume the qualifier for the CDC head.

    1. I have not heard, read or seen one word about Duncan's family other than a week ago where the brother stated if Duncan was white he would be alive, since then no other words, pictures, no update on the poor, poor family not even a whisper.
      What about the people at the Apt complex?
      Where are they? Where are the reporters giving interviews of the poor poor neighbors plight?
      Where are they?
      Hell The media went diligently searching for George Zimmerman's grandparents all the way to Peru in their search for news reports, yet from Duncan's family....silence.
      Where are the family, the neighbors, are they alive and healthy?

    2. thats a simple answer. there is no separation between people on this one. black, white, green, yellow, brown...all americans agree. Duncan infected the country and it wouldn't matter what color he was, he's still wrong and no one is feeling sympathy. sad that the guy passed but we don't feel sorry for him.

      the news media picked up on that and they know not to push that meme cause it will most definitely blow up in his face.

      on a sidenote. have you seen the blow back that shepard smith of foxnews is getting? golden boy ain't so golden for looking down his nose at people that are concerned.

    3. Shep, He was always a clown LOL I recall his reporting from the Iraq war on the ground.
      He is a sheltered handsome media figure and doesn't even know exactly what he is talking about.
      He and others still see social concerns from Ebola and not immediate agonizing bloody death.
      Like saying We cannot quarantine travel to and from Africa because of slavery 150 years ago. As if that is gonna make Ebola make a distinction between who it infects.
      I bet Shep doesn't go into any suspected infected apt in street clothes nor even suited up like he was visiting Mars.

    4. Zebra I had a call the other day where the local reporters showed to cover it. In speaking with them they were just glad not to be covering anything related to Ebola that morning. So they wanted to move on from it a week ago.

  6. 'It is not unexpected that there will be additional exposures'

    Hold the fuck up there a moment?
    Since fucking when!


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