Sunday, October 12, 2014

Another pic of the BAE/Iveco SuperAv 8x8.

BAE/Iveco SuperAv 8x8 at Modern Day Marine.
A quick sidenote.

We're losing carrying capacity with the AAV, so the idea of reorganizing the Battalions to have more vehicles now is probably already in the works.

The issue is simple.

The blast seats.

I did a little paper napkin check on current seats and then compared it to the interior dimensions of the AAV and it looks like we're going to lose 4 - 6 Marines from every vehicle...

So not only is the wing going to need to get bigger to support the maintenance requirements of the new aircraft coming online (meaning the F-35 and the MV-22) but we're also looking at a larger AAV Battalion to maintain current carry capability (supposedly to provide mechanized transport for 1 Marine Expeditionary Brigade...which is a downgrade from previous requirements of providing lift for 2)...while at the same time we're eviscerating Infantry, Artillery and Tank Battalions.

But back to the MPC.  If its going to actually match the AAV in troop carriage, swimming and exceed its mobility over all grounds...even in its upgraded form then the only thing left to determine is can we afford it.


  1. Sol, I find it hard to believe an 8x8 can possibly be as good in mud as a tracked vehicle. That goes against all of my experience from doing construction work growing up. A Bobcat skid steer with tracks is dramatically better in mud than one with tires, because of the amount of pressure in pounds per square inch on the ground is much less. I'm not saying that the 8x8 isn't the proper choice, but you have to know to be honest going in as to what it's advantages and disadvantages are. According to GD, the reason they did not compete in the AMPV contest was that they could not meet the requirement for 100% of the mobility of the M113.

    1. i agree that the stated mobility claims coming from PEO Land is pure bullshit but they're laying it out there. but to change the subject.

      have you seen the latest reports out of the Eurozone? they're inches away from going into the dreaded deflationary spiral. Germany has slid into recession, France has embarked upon some nonsense with their monetary system and they're so disjointed and disagree so much that they can't solve this collective problem ...collectively.

      additionally further info has come out about those jobs numbers and they're much worse than the administration and the press are portraying. last but not least the ebola situation in africa is already having spill over into the world trade system and restrictions that are going up in africa are likely to spread to first asia then the middle east and finally to the rest of the world.

      that gets solved before the new year or fear alone will send us into a world wide recession.

      what say you?

    2. Ha the market has been crazy so yes other than prepping for a marathon I haven't been far from my screens. Europe probably is headed for a recession. The head of the European Central bank leaked this weekend that he does not talk to the head of the Bundesbank anymore. That to me implies full blown QE is coming for Europe (he is basically telling the Germans to screw off). Also, France and Italy have now have Prime Ministers who are finally starting to attack some of the absurd rules and regulations businesses have to deal with in those countries.
      That being said, structural reforms take 2 years to work at a minimum, and that is if they are implemented properly. What new info are you referring to in terms of the jobs numbers? Thus far I don't think ebola will affect the world economy much. If the transmission mechanism had changed all of the staff of Doctors without Borders in these countries would be dead by now. The Spanish nurse admitted she touched her face after dealing with the patient. I would be willing to bet big money the nurse in Dallas screwed up in a similar fashion. United Airlines guided up last week, as did Delta, so thus far it is not affecting air travel.

    3. A few other points. Keep in mind the that compared to other top countries exports as a percentage of GDP in the USA are very low.
      We are much more insulated from the world than countries like Germany, the UK, or China. Exports to Europe are only 2 percent of GDP, so even if they got cut by 25 percent, that would only knock half a percent off of GDP.

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