Sunday, October 05, 2014

Boko Haram Video Shows Beheading of Nigeria Pilot

via ABC News.
Boko Haram, the extremist Islamic group In Nigeria, has published a video that shows charred plane wreckage and the beheading of a man identified as a pilot of a missing Nigerian Air Force jet, bolstering the group's claims that it shot down a fighter plane.
The video also allegedly features Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, a man Nigeria's military twice has claimed to kill — first in 2009 and again last year. Two weeks ago the military said they had killed a Shekau lookalike who had posed in the group's videos.
"Here I am, alive, and I will remain alive until the day Allah takes away my breath," the man says in the Hausa language. "Even if you kill me ... it will not stop us imposing Islamic rule ... We are still in our Islamic state, reigning and teaching the Quran."
The United States still has a $7 million bounty on Shekau's head.
The video was made available to The Associated Press through the same channels used previously and seems to show the same man. Nigeria's Defense Headquarters suggested in a blog that the insurgents had manipulated images and cloned "another Shekau."
In the video, the man identified as Shekau says Boko Haram is implementing strict Shariah law in areas of northeast Nigeria under its control. Examples are shown, including the stoning death of a man apparently accused of adultery; the amputation of the hand of a young man accused of theft; the lashings of a man and what appears to be a girl covered in a hijab.
The video ends with a show of burnt-out plane parts in rugged bush. Two pilots and an Alpha jet have been missing since Sept. 11 when it left the northeastern town of Yola on a bombing mission against Boko Haram.
The video shows a kneeling man in a camouflage vest with his right hand in a sling, with a fighter hovering over him with an ax, which is later used in the beheading.
Speaking in English, the victim identifies himself as a wing commander in the Nigerian Air Force and says he was undertaking a mission in Kauri area of northeast Borno state.
"We were shot down and our aircraft crashed," he says. "To this day I don't know the whereabouts of my second pilot."

The insurgents have stolen military hardware from Nigerian forces, probably including anti-aircraft weapons.

Nigeria is one of the nations that is suffering from an outbreak of Ebola (they had one case but are much better at dealing with the outbreak).

But this is also the place where the #BringBackOurGirls was aimed at.  Now?  Now they have beheaded a Wing Commander.

And what is the US doing?

We're sending medical personnel and construction bubbas to the region.  NO TRIGGER PULLERS!

Is it "fear mongering" to think that they might attempt to capture a US soldier or two for the sole purpose of carrying out another atrocity for broadcast on YouTube?   If nothing else was learned from the debacle at Camp Leatherneck where we lost a Harrier Squadron, it should have been that only US forces can safeguard US personnel and equipment!  This sounds like a FAST Co mission.


  1. Adm. Mike Mullen (ret) was on Colbert the other day and he said something that struck a chord.

    He said it was would be disastrous for countries to come to rely upon the US military like the Foreign Legion to fight their wars for them rather than find the fortitude and treasure to do it themselves.

    And while we can find ways to assist/train them, if we have no business fighting ISIS, I don't see why we need to fight Boko Haram either. We don't have the military or treasure to be playing whack-a-mole with every Haji trying to reestablish the Caliphate.

  2. No security no medics plain and simple, I wouldn't go and I would advise anyone who is being sent to go to Canada or a neutral nation.
    Update: Ebola. The strain of Ebola we have now is Ebola Zaire, a strain of Ebola Marburg has recently surfaced in an infected individual in Uganda.
    There are I believe five different strains of Ebola.

  3. We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.

    Lyndon B. Johnson


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