Sunday, October 12, 2014

CONFIRMED! 2nd Ebola patient in the US.

via Shepherd of the Gurneys...
Duncan and government incompetence rack up second Ebola victim.

(CNN) -- A healthcare worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital has tested positive for Ebola after a preliminary test, the state's health agency said.
Confirmatory testing will be conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
The employee helped care for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person ever diagnosed with Ebola in the United States. Duncan died on Wednesday.

It's okay though. This is "highly unlikely", health care here is "well-prepared" to deal with Ebola, and "We've got this!".
So everything's cool.
I'm conflicted.

I can either continue to warn my readers about the short time period left to finish their preps....or I can say fuck it and leave you to your own devices.

I will say this though.

I fully expect authorities to attempt to keep a lid on this situation through the Christmas holiday shopping period.  My guess is that you have until probably the middle of January before the general public gets hit head on with how deadly this situation is.

NOTE:  Decision made.  No more talk of prepping after this post.  I'll cover the outbreak but those who get it don't need my reminders and those who don't are probably already screwed.

NOTE 1:  This is starting to play out just like it did in Liberia and the other countries.  Healthcare workers are getting hit first.  How soon before we run out of them?  How soon before a choice has to be made between going to work and protecting your family?  The US govt is behind the power curve on this thing and it doesn't look like they're going to be able to catch up.  I wonder.  How long before the Dallas Judge gets sick?  


  1. This wasn't just some idiot who went to Africa hot zone and swam in masses of Ebola infected. This was a professional health care worker who wore full hospital MOPP.
    He worked on only one patient that had Ebola, Mr. Duncan.
    AND, He despite all efforts and precautions he got infected.
    Yet the News conference speaker reiterated several times how not infectious this is.
    D'oH! If a fully prepared, fully protected nurse can get Ebola from an infected then it is easier to catch than they are saying.
    I wonder....How Judge Jenkins feels now?
    Is he finally Skeert?
    Has he wised the fuck up?
    I doubt it, stupid usually goes right to the bone.
    One thing for sure, if this breaks before Christmas shopping will be curtailed by the wise and ignored by the foolish and then..........Merry Christmas.

    1. if its ignored by the trolls that worship at the altar of consumerism then this is gonna spread further and faster than even i think.

      so the Judge's name is Jenkins? i bet he feels like a 100% idiot. he risked the health of his family by not using the common sense that God gave him and instead put his faith in some atheist medical professionals with a political agenda.

      this thing might not be airborne but its definitely spreading in ways that the CDC is not publicly acknowledging.

      the crazy thing? just fear alone could cause societal collapse in poor countries and could cause a great depression in modern western democracies.

    2. Yes, Judge Clay Jenkins, (D) Dallas county Dallas Texas, more a political post than a law enforcement post.
      Along with the two female staff members.
      I'm thinking it's airborne, the news says it's an infection caught while disrobing from the protective clothing after treating Duncan. After a shower in Chlorine I don't see how that is possible.
      Fear is the major concern, panic and civil unrest, Ebola won't kill a quarter of the people societies collapse will.
      A chilling note, The novel "The Stand" had it's infected land in Arnette Texas after fleeing the Project Blue site.
      The news on CNN has stated several times about the danger from pets and animals in that apt which has now been put on total lock down, finally.

    3. I haven't heard yet whether this was someone in full PPE, or whether it was someone exposed on Duncan's initial visit on 9/26, when they weren't taking any special precautions.

      You'd think they'd cover that right up front, unless it was the answer was "full PPE" because then this thing's jumped the shark and we're all screwed.

      But I suspect it will come out that it was some poor person nailed with the short straw on 9/26, and that the failure to make that clear and obvious on this revelation this morning is just the 2,492nd thing the assclowns in Dallas have screwed up since Minute One of this whole affair.

      And hey Zebra Dunn, thanks for the comment yesterday.
      I led me to put together an ER Ebola Mix as a result, which is up at the blog(s).

    4. wait! which i s the main place where you're covering this issue. i thought it was at Shepherd of the Gurneys.

    5. I'm blogging it from both sites, Shepherd is fine.

      But disregard most of my last.
      CNN showed a live press Q&A where they announced this was a female nurse in full PPE.

      So we can no longer see "Fucked" from where we are now.

      They've notified her entire apartment complex and neighborhood, she has additional contacts, and they've decon'ed her apt. complex's public areas and her car, and they'll be doing the same to her apartment directly.

    6. Holy Shit!
      That is worse than I thought!
      I figured just the usual mask, scrubs, booties and shield with gloves and gown.
      She, that's also an indicator of maybe a cleaner/sheet changer diaper pan dumper.

  2. News just stated on CNN that the hospital that received Duncan and has the second patient has now refused and stopped all ambulances from bringing in any more patients to their emergency room.
    I'm thinking the patients now there are finding ways to get discharged ASAP, I would.
    Anyone who has seen what the current MRSA infection rates are in Hospitals will know Ebola can break into the patient and staff very rapidly and be out of control.
    This is an enormous and very scary bit of information.
    I'm betting at this moment Half the Staff and nurses along with Doctors are calling in and finding someplace else to be, I would, Hell, I'd have quit when I first got the word.

  3. I took a LOA the day Duncan's case made the news.

    1. WHAT! My you are smarter than I thought.
      Stay safe Dude.

  4. "Dr. Daniel Varga, of the Texas Health Resources, said during a news conference Sunday that the worker wore a gown, gloves, mask and shield while they provided care to Duncan during his second visit to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. Varga did not identify the worker and says the family of the worker has "requested total privacy."

    Varga says the health care worker reported a fever Friday night as part of a self-monitoring regimen required by the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He said another person also remains in isolation, and the hospital has stopped accepting new emergency room patients."

    Ebola seems to me to be a lot more contagious than what info is being put out there. Also WHO is far more worried about Ebola,how it can evolve (if it hasn't already) and precautions needed than CDC....

    1. Luckily, heath care workers directly working with Ebola patients are monitoring themselves, and in this case, identified a low grade fever, and got admitted before he/she start spewing infectious material. I am surprised that the relatives of "Patient Zero" have not - as of yet - shown symptoms of the disease since they were exposed earlier..... Perhap one is more infectious when the disease gets firmly established in the host.

    2. The 64 million dollar question is......How many unknown and even known but unreported infected are out there?

    3. So that's four known with one dead, two infected and one possible.
      Remember the homeless infected suspected?

      The news at CNN was talking about the apt blocks pets with a warning.
      Hell, an Opossum who ate the vomit and any flies could be the new reservoir pool.

    4. well it sounds like they've practically shut down the hospital. so if two infected patients can do this then what will two more do? this city is just a few short inches away from a systemic medical crisis.

      on this one i thought Shepherd of the Gurneys was wrong but seems like he was spot on. people with heart attacks, involved in accidents or any other major medical issue will die because of one idiot from Liberia.

    5. Hey, if I knew everything, I could be the director of the CDC.

      I just throw the evidence on the scale, and see which way it tips. Frankly, I'd love to stat being wrong, and seeing this all recede into just another momentary panic, because we'd got a handle on taming it. I'll give a holler when I see the first sign of anything going right. Still waiting...

      Funny, not hearing a lot of "Chicken Little" talk online much anymore.

      Hey, is it wrong to hope the next guy to jump the White House fence and run in the door turns out to have Ebola...? It might wake the silly bastards up at least.

  5. Fox news says the Hospital is stating "a Breach in protocol" is what caused the infection.
    And now they have another patient, with one more danger of a breach of protocol?
    This may be CYA bullshit if not then somebody is being stupid....again.
    These clowns are NOT fully in control of this situation.

  6. "Breach in protocol" is spokeshole doublespeak for "We have no fucking idea how this person got infected, so our only recourse is to blame the victim, since it couldn't possibly be a flaw in our protection methods".

  7. So, so far, we have one case of secondary infection, who reported the fever. She was infected the second time?

    We have a group of people who may have been infected before he was admitted to hospital for that second time?
    If he was at the long end of the symptomatic and she was short, he could have been infecting people for 19 days?
    And it could be another 19 days from when she self diagnosed until the last of the bodies drop?

    Gonna be a long two weeks.

    Of course that assumes that no one else imports the disease.

  8. So we are at 21 days later plus.
    I'm betting somewhere people are hiding their infected relatives.

    1. Probably. The wrong move at the moment.
      But in a few weeks time, the last place any susfects should go is a 'treatment' facility, anyone not infected will be infected after a few hours in a holding pen.

    2. Apparently there was a 90 minute window between the nurse arriving at hospital and being put in isolation.
      90 minutes to isolate a medical peoffessional who had had contact with the infected and who thought she was infected.
      Sat in a waiting room?

  9. the sooner that judge gets sicks the better.


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