Thursday, October 02, 2014

Contact tracing...

Thanks to ModernSurvivalOnline for the vid...

We are not being told the truth.

Consider.  The guy was walking around for four days.  Any contact he had with someone over those days has potentially been exposed.  IF they miss even one person then this will spread.

Now consider.  They estimate about 100 people have had contact and they need to be quarantined.

100 people need to stay in their houses, away from loved ones (well not really...they've also been exposed so we're potentially over one hundred already), not going outside and they need to be fed, watered etc...

Question.  Have you heard any reports that the local, state or federal authorities has turned to on that task?

Have you heard if they've contacted all 100 of those people?

NOTE:  If that isn't bad enough then consider this.  Zebra Dunn touched on it but what happens if you have a terrorist that somehow slips into the country, has infected himself with ebola and then exposes himself on purpose in a major city?  Well supposedly DHS is getting chatter that is being considered.  Check it out here.


  1. Any health protocol system that depends upon the honor systems is truly fucked. Don't these folks watch 'House'?People get embarrassed and don't want to admit things. For example, If some infected terrorist came over and banged a prostitute, then she had sex with other customers, that would spiral out of control because some married dude isn't going to tell anyone until its too late. His wife and kids would be infecting others and it would easily hit dozens of folks.

    And they sure as shit don't want to cancel long-planned travel plans because of a fever and flu symptoms.

  2. We got in this situation because Duncan knowingly lied about recent Ebola exposure to get on the plane, and brought it to us here.


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