Tuesday, October 07, 2014

DARPA - Ground X-Vehicle Technology


  1. Worst animation ever. What's it supposed to be? A scout? The suspension looks interesting, but there's nothing in the video to sell it. Why does it need a "glass cockpit" display except to make it "future-y"?

  2. Always been wondering, can some one tell me what practical military technologies does dudes at DARPA designed , like in a top 10 list.
    And whoever tells them what to design, is it the military ?

    What is they're annual buget, and what new technology that is useful to the warfighter have they come up with in say the last 10-15 years.

    And can for example an army general say to those dudes : you know what , can you just design some new armor so that our future tanks weight like 20t less.

    1. that is an outstanding question. i really couldn't tell you. they talk about future tech but either it seems to me that either the private industry is doing it or its DARPA hard and they simply play with ideas until the private sector gets interested and takes it the final mile while DARPA is on to the next thing.

      i'd love to know how DARPA sees itself and what it has actually accomplished for the military.

    2. Well, ask them and run an in dept post, it would be interesting.


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