Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Do you like dogs?

Do you like dogs?  If you do then you should head here to read this article and check out the pics.


People died today in Canada and it didn't move me in a particular way.  A story about dogs made me pause.  Either I'm fucked up or we live in fucked up times...I'd like to think the times are fucked up...and so are people.


  1. Nah, its ok. Dogs deserve pity, these things are out of their control, and are done to them. Us, humans...we do this shit to ourselves.

  2. Nope, ya ain't fucked up, I watched the breaking news till I heard the same line repeated five times and went out saddled my Black and white Paint mare and rode for a couple of hours.
    I played with the dogs after that.
    I'm sorry for what happened in Canada, I wish them the best. They need to harden their government sites and arm their Ceremonial troops.
    They need to realistically study their Muslim population problems and think seriously about their returning Islamo veterans.
    Perhaps they need to do as the Norges do and offer the returning Jihadi's veteran benefits or counseling if they aren't going to deal with them as traitors and a danger.
    One thing for sure, things have changed in Canada, like it or not, shit got real.
    Now they either roll over or stand up.
    It's their ass now.

  3. Off topic :
    WTF is wrong with these people?

  4. Just do what you can to be prepared locally (as I am sure you do) and enjoy the day for those that no longer can. No need to explain yourself.

  5. Dude I had the same thought. I saw that article yesterday and couldn't even finish it (fag, I know). I think Dima sums it up best.

  6. THe world is dicked up. He hates him, they hate those, we hate them.....fucked up.

    Dogs are different. Their idea of the perfect day is to run around, play fetch, or just lay down beside their owner contented.

    I am as hard a Marine as they come but those pics.........they touched deep. The sadness in the eyes was heart wrenching. THe only thing that gets me more pissed off than abusing an animal is someone who hurts a child. Gloves off at that point.


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