Saturday, October 04, 2014

Duncan (Ebola patient) and his family are confused. Prayers yes. Sympathy?

Duncan (the Ebola patient in a Dallas hospital) and his family are obviously confused.

I've heard and read news reports where they've stated that Duncan has taken a turn for the worse.  Every news anchor I've heard has stated that our prayers go out to him.

While that is undoubtedly true, I hope they aren't thinking that the American people are suddenly sympathetic to his plight.  I might be misreading public sentiment but I believe that people hope that Duncan recovers from this terrible disease, but at the same time believe that he has placed our entire country in jeopardy.

The next crisis?  Muslims worldwide are at Mecca.  If the disease is spread there and then those people travel back to their home countries (thanks Zebra for giving me this terrible thought) then we can see this thing break out worldwide.

One confirmed case is straining the Dallas county medical system.  One hundred would break it.  The same goes for New York, DC, Chicago or Houston.  They better crush this thing now and they BETTER determine a better way to keep it out of the country.  If they don't ... and flu season is rapidly approaching (which mirrors the Ebola in early stages)...this could begin to affect the economy.


  1. It wouldn't take 100 to crush their system. 20 would more than do it.
    It's also affecting other things.
    Something like 10% of the parents of the four affected schools pulled their kids. Every butt not in a seat costs those schools money every day. they also had to close for decon cleaning, at unknown cost.
    The DPD has had to babysit the Duncan family because they were non-compliant with a voluntary quarantine.
    They won't be able to do that for 20 or 50 non-compliant families. (Fortunately so far, everyone else on home isolation has played ball.) People are going to stay away from THP Hospital, which cuts into their bottom line, and hospitals, especially large urban ones, which it is, usually run right on the line between generating profit and loss in good years.

    Again, all from one guy.
    And any day now, one or more of those on isolation could become symptomatic. We won't be truly out of this until about the 19th, 21 days after Duncan went into ICU.

    If he dies, bummer. But the problems he's caused way overbalance his problems, and he may end up killing other people, in which case f--- him sideways with a chainsaw.

    He lied on his applications and info screenings, so he's just another illegal alien in a country with 20M too many, and the entire world would have been far better off if he'd stayed to live or die in Liberia.

    If he recovers, he should prosecuted, then deported immediately, and Liberia can put him in whatever tender loving mercy their justice system has. If somebody else dies, he should be charged with manslaughter for depraved indifference.

    He deserves all the sympathies such a douchebag should generate.

    And not sutting off the air bridge here without a mandatory full 3-week quarantine, in isolation, a the entrants' expense up front, before allowing entry, has got to become the standard. The CDC and the government got lucky once (maybe, we'll see). We get a second patient, and the states will start enacting quarantines on their own authority, to hell with what D.C. does, and Congress will finally start to pull its head out.

    The president, DHS, and CDC have been MIA on this issue since forever, and Washington is not a city renowned for giving spectacular world-class f---ups second and third chances. Even if you're black, and light shines out of your bellybutton.

    1. I agree, he was a potential ticking ebola time bomb.
      If this goes viral he could be responsible for as many if not more people than 9/11 was.
      As Sheriff Rick told the legless zombie, "I am sorry for what happened to you" then he shot her because she was floggin dangerous.
      This guy knew he was infected yet came anyway, screw him and if his family get the disease, it's his fault, now if Judge Jenkins get's Ebola it's his fault for being a dumbass.

  2. The price for not controlling illegals. Our president is a disaster. Also, vote with your wallet. Don't do business with Ebola airlines. Since Amsterdam seems to be the Ebola hub, I wouldn't do any travel to the EU.

  3. I just read in Breitbart where a Judge Clay Jenkins (d) Dallas County Texas, visited with, drove around with the family of the Mr. Duncan current Ebola patient in critical condition with Ebola.
    The Judge then attended a press conference where he wore the same clothes, then stated he proudly went home to his wife and family without taking precautions or changing clothes either.
    In an Ebola outbreak it's not Ebola that kills, it's stupidity and the complete incompetence of elected officials doing political grandstanding for their own personal and parties agenda.
    I wonder as I sit here slack jawed and amazed how does his family feel about his antics? AND How do the reporters feel about being exposed to such death by an idiot who just doesn't have a clue.
    A clown elected by clowns who has no clue in a deadly viral infection.

    1. yep. the Judge is an idiot. but he's really worried about is people getting wise to how poorly the local govt is handling ebola.

      this thing is mutated. i just read that the reason why it has always been put out before is because it just made the move to human to human transmission. before it wasn't that way.


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