Monday, October 06, 2014

Ebola outbreak: Nurse infected in Spain

via BBC
The Spanish health minister has confirmed that a nurse who treated a victim of Ebola in Madrid has tested positive for the disease.
The nurse is said to be the first person in the current outbreak known to have contracted Ebola outside Africa.
Health Minister Ana Mato said the woman was part of the team that treated Spanish priest Manuel Garcia Viejo, who died of the virus on 25 September.
Some 3,400 people have died in the outbreak - mostly in West Africa.
The Spanish nurse is in a stable condition, Reuters quoted health officials as saying. She started to feel ill last week when she was on holiday.
The nurse was admitted to hospital in Alcorcon, near Madrid, on Monday morning with a high fever, Ms Mato said.
Doctors isolated the emergency treatment room.
The infection was confirmed by two tests, the minister said.
I no longer give a fuck.

Something is different about this Ebola.

Many will say that I'm playing "chicken little" and that the sky is falling but Spain is NOT Africa, the medical officials in that country are as professional as we have here and yet this nurse got zapped.

We are not being told the facts of this.  I believe its about pure politics and we've seen how this administration handles things when it comes to elections...but even if you doubt me, one thing is undeniable.  A medical professional in Europe has contracted this disease.

Question.  Where was she on holiday?  Have they started contact tracing?  How far has this shit spread?


  1. What the normalcy bias appears to miss is that SWEAT counts as a bodily fluid for the purposes of infection.
    One of the symptoms is FEVER

    Whilst typing that, I wiped sweat out of my eyebrow, the right side of my keyboard is now a potential point of infection.

    Are they going to disinfect an ambulance everytime someone with a fever sweats in it? A train carriage? A plane? An office building?

  2. aaarghh i was translating a whole article to publish it here and when i hit 'preview' it deleted my comment for some reason... :(( anyway... can't be bothered to do it all over again (sorry - it's late and I need to go to bed).

    but if anyone is interested there is more info in this article:

    it doesn't mean I'm satisfied with this Health's person responses... grrr...

  3. Well, I guess we have to assume we have a whole new strain of the ebola virus. And if that's true. Government and whoever really now about this, need to tell the truth before is too late.

    The bad part of this, is the chaos it might spread worldwide.

    1. In Uganda the strain Ebola Marburg has killed someone.
      Funny how Ebola was always self limiting due to the people who caught it dying before infecting others faster than they could get infected.
      The fact that an Ebola infected scared the shit out of everyone around them by bleeding out every orifice was telling and it is missing in this outbreak.

  4. NPR has a different view of risk.
    But Larry Johnson has a point as well.

  5. Surfing feeds brought up another goody

  6. The only reason anybody'd play the game is that if following the WHO guidelines confers a virtually 0% risk of contracting the pathogen.

    So instead, it's not, and every time someplace new gets a case, the exodus of doctors, nurses, and other medical staff will be biblical.

  7. Well shit,

    that was rather quick. 0.o

  8. Ah, not so fast:
    "The woman, who was described as a "sanitary tech," last month treated a priest in Madrid who later died of Ebola after contracting the virus while doing missionary work in Sierra Leone.
    We are working to verify the exact source of contact to see if all strict protocols were followed," Spanish Health Minister Ana Mato said at a news conference on Monday."

    So rather than a baccalaureate-trained professional in nursing care whose full WHO-compliant PPE was breached by Ebola in some diabolical new twist to the story, we're apparently talking about someone who was probably a minimum-wage member of the clean-up crew who either wasn't told, didn't know, or didn't care that she was playing around a deadly virulent pathogen, rather than something far less serious.
    While her situation is humanly regrettable, it's nowhere near the disaster it would be if Ebola had somehow managed to get past numerous layers of protection precautions which she likely wasn't using in the first place.

    And that last tidbit is the absolute brightest glimmer anywhere in this continuing nightmare.

    This is therefore probably one of those cases where IQ becomes Darwinian destiny.
    And now, 5 to 9 chances out of 10, Senora Sanitary Tech is going to be dying in a puddle of her liquefying internal organs because of a few lapses in practice, in the next couple of weeks.
    Along with anyone she may have infected there after becoming symptomatic herself, the total number of which TBD.

    Thus Spain now becomes the eighth nation to get on the scoreboard worldwide from this epidemic, with no end in sight.

    Mother Nature doesn't grade on the curve. Ever. The bitch.

    1. Classic thing that happens with cleaning services, one of the main source of domestic deaths/accidents is people mixing CL (chlorine? i don't know how to spell it in english) and NH3(Ammonia?) while cleaning.

    2. Reading form spanish newspaper, she cleaned the room two times, while he was still alive and she cleaned after he died. Wondering her IQ level, even with all the protections i would stay in hospital range, reduce contact with family and if possible checking blood samples after n° days, things that would be hard to get if in a widespread contagion, but people that got in contact with the missionary can be counted on a hand...

      Not going for a vacation! I hope she gets better but if it doesn't happen she will end in the darwin awards.

      Worst side of it? if it wasn't for her insistence the medics wouldn't have checked her, since her fever was under the alarm rise level and waited a day (with her still asking for being checked) until checking her.

    3. According to Spanish language newspapers, her "vacation" may simply mean she had time off work.
      Same story has them tracking 30 contacts onto whom she may have passed the infection.

    4. It isn't Ebola that kills, it's incompetence and stupidity.
      As In Texas Judge Clay Jenkins grandstanding political play going with two female staff members to the infected apt unprotected, then having a news conference before going home to his family wearing the same clothes and shoes. Stupidity, incompetence and irresponsibility combined.
      Even the reporters shouted out to him asking him WTF was he thinking.

  9. I've read so much in the last place I've lost track of the link, but when this was a new thing in W. Africa, some Grand panjandrum famously declared it was all a big hoax, and went traipsing through an Ebola ward unprotected. Within a couple of weeks he'd contracted Ebola and died of it, and the country's average IQ climbed several points. Needless to say, no one repeated his experiment a second time.


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