Friday, October 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Royal Marines...

Happy 350th birthday Royal Marines.

Sidenote:  The above pic comes from a "storyify" posting that has people posting pics wishing the RM's well.  I chose it because that's the iconic RM look.  An all weather smock, FAL and beret.  They've kept that same "look" since WW2...only the weapons and webbing has changed.  Can the same be said for any other organizations "go to war" uniform?

I thought hard and couldn't think of one.

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery and I really believe that an olive drab or coyote brown smock would be a welcome addition to a Marine's kit bag.


  1. Happy Birthday Royal Marines.
    I met some of these guys in Scotland they were shit hot, commandos.

  2. FAL is out of scale (too small) but the overall is nice monument. 350th huh... that's good birthday.


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