Tuesday, October 07, 2014

How bad was Dallas Ebola response?

Major thanks to Dustin for the link.

via WFAA.com
DALLAS — A homeless panhandler who rode in the same Dallas ambulance after Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan has been found after an extensive manhunt.
The 52-year-old man — who city officials identified as Michael Lively — was admitted to Parkland Memorial Hospital Sunday afternoon after being taken into custody by Dallas police officers. County Judge Clay Jenkins said he was taken to the hospital's psychiatric ward.
"He exhibited clear indicators that he needed to be taken to the psych ward," Jenkins told News 8.
Parkland spokesman Mike Malaise said Lively was later removed by health officials and taken to an undisclosed location for isolation.
News 8 was the first to report on the search for Lively early Sunday. The manhunt began Saturday after Lively walked away from a local hospital where he had been taken to be checked out
Officials tell News 8 that Lively was the next person to ride in the ambulance last Sunday after Duncan was taken to Presbyterian Hospital. Duncan remained in critical condition at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Sunday.
Dallas Fire-Rescue ambulance No, 37 was taken out of service on Tuesday, but has since been returned to the fleet after being decontaminated.
Read the entire article AND watch the vid.

So lets see what we have here.  We have paramedics that dealt with a person showing clear signs of Ebola and probably puking his guts out and shitting his pants.

Then we have those same paramedics probably cleaning out the ambulance after that ride from hell...although they didn't know that the guy had Ebola.

Next, after doing a cursory cleanup of the ambulance they pick up their next patient and then the police let him go.

A manhunt for him ensues, they locate him and they charge him with being a 51-50 to keep him from simply going on his way.


Yet you have confidence in local, state and federal govt to properly deal with this mess?


  1. The Dallas authorities and agencies, top to bottom, clearly left no pooch unscrewed in this.
    I'm still waiting for any report of anything they've gotten right the first time since it started.

    Which is pretty much exactly what I've been saying all along abut where Anywhere USA is as far as readiness or expertise.

  2. http://www.npr.org/blogs/goatsandsoda/2014/10/06/354054915/firestone-did-what-governments-have-not-stopped-ebola-in-its-tracks

    Interesting that a business is having a success story where governments are failing, but Capitalism is evil right? Also evidence that when you take the proper precautions the disease doesn't spread easily (isn't airborne).

    1. It's not *persistently* airborne, but you can catch it without physical contact from coughs and normal breathing within 3-4 feet. Which means not walking into a treatment room before you start putting your protective gear on.

    2. Doing CPR on a collapsed person would infect a person before they knew what hit them.

  3. The grandson's eight and thirteen showed up at our house with hand sanitizers, I asked why they said the kid virus and Ebola.
    Smart kids.

  4. It is Dallas. All you have to do is look up some city counsel meetings to see how screwed up they are. Now Jesse Jackson is there to help screw some more stuff up.

  5. OK, i know it's off topic. But, have you guys watched the "Fury" new trailer?


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