Friday, October 03, 2014

How do you deal with civil disturbance or uncooperative infected people?

A little birdy in law enforcement hit me with some info about them making contingencies to deal with infected people because they can't wear decon suits while performing their ordinary duties and such....and that raises some uncomfortable issues.

What happens if you have identified a family as having an infected person and require them to be quarantined?

What happens if they refuse?  What happens if they disobey instructions and continues on there daily routine?

How would law enforcement respond?

Additionally what happens if you have a potentially infected person that is taken to the hospital and he becomes unruly?  What if family members are at that same hospital and join in.  Law Enforcement will be called in and they will not be wearing decon suits.  What if they have to go hands on?

Just one cluster of this will cause the US government to up the stakes and establish a "quarantine camp" to house, feed and keep an eye on those that are potentially contaminated.

All I'm saying is that this can get ugly real quick.  I don't care if you call me tin foil hat guy.  Get prepared.  If you're a reader of my blog then I am saying that you can call me crazy but do a little prepping if you haven't already.  If nothing happens then you have extra food, extra batteries, extra wood or whatever you use as alternate heating, extra bleach and water etc...

Hope for the best but for God's sake plan for the worst.


  1. We're on the same page.

    This is germane right now, because Dallas PD has police keeping the family members of patient Duncan quarantined by law and force within their pestilentially infected apartment. (Which, incidentally, is manslaughter by depraved indifference, under color of authority.)

    But what do the cops do if the family makes a break?
    Tackle potential Ebola patients?
    Gun them down in the streets?
    Including the two kids?

    If you thought Ferguson was a problem, wait until the ACLU, NAACP, SPLC, and Jesse Jackson get the bit between their teeth about a white mayor keeping black people confined in a death house infected with known Ebola.

    This is going to explode.

    And yet again, TPTB have not thought this thing through on even the simplest aspects of this problem, or even rubbed two brain cells together.

  2. 75for you 25 for me on a zombie don't tase me bro t shirt with raised hands...

  3. Ok, this is getting scary:

    1. ok. i'm with Mordechai on this point. first why are people so concerned about ebola in the US? because we have to trust two institutions that i personally have NO faith in. the govt and medical personnel. the govt for obvious reasons and the medical profession because of how my mother was treated before she passed. suffice to say that if it were legal and moral i would personally shoot a couple of doctors and lying ass nurses in the back of the head, feed their intestines to my dogs and send whats left to their familites.

      but i digress. i could care less about global institutions making declarations of impending doom. they said the same about global warming. we have x number of years before the earth dies and we're still here.

      i just can't take aid organizations seriously. if you've ever worked with them then you know they're filled with pampered princesses (of both genders) that demand much, give little and hate to do real work. why do you think that they always rush to crisis and then beg for help from the military? simply because they're idealistic little punks that always think they can do more than they actually can. so screw this report. seal the damn borders, prevent flights from those countries and protect the population and we'll be fine.

    2. My Mother-in-law a kidney dialysis patinet went to the hospital for a fractured hip after a fall, there she contracted MRSA and died in agony seven months later.
      They could not save her from the infection and while there she could not be seen without being protected from MRSA.
      The kidney disease didn't kill her, nor did the fractured hip, the hospital killed her while treating her.

    3. My mother fell, and went to the hospital with a broken upper arm. They missed the break, because they only x-rayed her elbow. Everything's fine! Go on home! 2-months later, her arm is still badly swollen, but every medical professional she talks to is assuring her it's fine. Finally, her GP orders another X-Ray and they find it. A huge spiral fracture. When she finally got her surgery to fix it, it was 4 months after the fall.

      I've had my own run-ins with "medical professionals" that couldn't think their way out of a paper bag, while snearing at me for knowing more than they did about their own specialties.

      Trust these morons with the lives of me and my own in an epidemic situation? Fuck that noise.

  4. My take?
    Shout loudly, Halt...HALT.....HALT, then shoot.
    The infected don't have the right to infect everyone else, just as a dog or human with Rabies doesn't have the right either.
    Leaving Ebola quarantine, running unprotected in the streets while infectious and contagious is like running around with a rifle or pistol shooting randomly at everyone around you.
    The Police would and will shoot you then and if it comes down to the actual horror of it when people begin to die messy painful, bloody deaths it will come down to it with Ebola.
    MY Trust in authorities to handle and contain Ebola?
    Check out this picture. From mypetjawa blog.
    This is the Ebola in Dallas clean up crew washing the Ebola vectors vomit off the street.
    No Masks, No HazMat suits, No Cordoned area, No gloves.
    A commercial pressure washer with no chlorine or even detergent, the puddles collected and full of ebola vomit run down the street while people walk unprotected by waiting to be stepped in, a dog to drink from, or a kid to splash and play in.
    The high pressure spray sending micro droplets of water, vomit and ebola drifting in the air and breeze landing on people, cars, animals and surfaces everywhere it drifts too.
    Now, look closely at the pavement near the spraying crew, see that green bottle?
    That, is the soft drink of one of the sprayer crews, for when he gets thirsty, sitting there and close enough while getting sprayed with the mist and then full of caffeine, sugar and Ebola vomit spray will get drunk by the thirsty man who will go on and infect how many others.
    If that alone doesn't scare the living shit out of you.......well, look at the picture and think again about Government trust as well as competence.

    1. You've apparently missed the point that the quarantine is those who aren't infectious and contagious, being in point of fact neither.

      The closest judicial equivalent would be shooting people because they were arrested, without any determination of guilt or innocence, and simply hanging them for the "crime" of getting thrown into jail.

      At that point, you aren't a police force, you're simply a death squad.

      And if they start shooting people who break quarantine, the two-way range will be opened, and business will be brisk, at which point the cops will find out that the citizens with guns outnumber them about 50:1 or worse in most places. Policing at that point will be an interesting but brief career.

    2. "You've apparently missed the point that the quarantine is those who aren't infectious and contagious, being in point of fact neither."
      WTF? run this by me again in English.
      News Flash:
      Washington D. C. HazMat teams called to Apt. complex for Ebola suspected infected.
      We got a wildfire Bubba.

    3. it was bound to happen Zebra. you have large african populations in New York, DC, Atlanta and Houston...didn't see it happening in Dallas but its been awhile since i've been there. you should also consider LA and Chicago.

      this is gonna be nasty.

    4. I heard something about Africans entering illegaly here in Brasil. Guess it's time to prepare for the worst too.

  5. AESOP: Go hug an Ebola patient then.
    If SHTF and an outbreak is in full swing the citizens will be shooting Ebola infected faster than any death squad organized by the Police.
    You seem to have a highly inflated idea of your chances in engaging and fighting the militarized Police force, much less when backed up by The State Patrol, Sheriff's dept. armed firemen, armed EMT's and citizens militia as well as Military forces of the State National Guardsmen. All scared to death of Ebola.
    "Executive order 13602" signed just yesterday By POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, giving him full authority to implement Martial law without congressional approval or a vote at any time without warning makes your little bit of keyboard braggadocio a bit underwhelming and ludicrous to say the least.

    NEWS FLASH: Cobb County Georgia just had an incoming inmate off the street test positive for Ebola.
    The jail is being sanitized as we speak. Quarantine for other inmates and prison/jail personnel are being implemented also.
    If there is no other recourse the citizens will form their own militia and death squads and help the Police kill Ebola infected runaway's. As well as those who shoot at the Police doing their jobs.
    I would and I will.
    The Ebola tailgate just dropped, the Bullshit has stopped and if the quarantined and infected or suspected infected endanger the rest of us then by what ever means necessary people will protect themselves and their families from the infected or suspected infected.
    That is the facts Jack.
    Check out what Martial law means for your 50 to 1 citizens arms.

      "Cobb County Inmate tests negative for Ebola"
      Thanks for spreading fear instead of info.

      But you'd have shot him. Well played. Cut court costs. Because that's what we want to happen when it's our relative gunned down "by mistake".

      Evidently you don't think LEOs have been gunning down enough innocent people yet.

      NEWS FLASH: You don't suspend common sense in an epidemic and substitute it with irrational panic, despite the oft-tried contention that shit can substitute for brains.

  6. No good deed goes unpunished:

    1. well i'll say it since no one else will.

      sometimes you have to establish a fire break and let the fire burn out. for the safety of the world. a quarantine of all infected countries needs to be put in place, enforced by UN troops and breaking the quarantine should be instant death. establish the quarantine zone for about six months to a year (maybe more i don't know) and we won't see anymore cases because the disease ran its course or everyone is dead. either way. problem solved.

      yes its extreme. yes its cold. but its the only way or we're about to see this artificial system i constantly rail against burn down instead of being dismantled in an orderly way.

    2. It's the right thing.
      But.... Do this and the day after we will see a photo of a white UN soldier shoting a African and some stupid shit in subtitle.

    3. No political system in the history of man has ever self-dismantled. Change always comes because war/disease/unrest/economics leave the powers that be with no other option.

  7. All one has to do to predict what happens is the Medieval era's Black Death.
    Jews, black cats, gypsies any foreigners, the mentally ill and anyone who appeared different, sick or satanic were persecuted, lynched and killed by being burned at the stake.
    By the villagers, the folks in the castles and the people who banded together to survive the widespread break down of society.
    This will happen here, the healthy will band together with anyone of authority and the ones who hold that authority longest will be the LEO and the Gov. The suspected/infected and quarantined will be turned upon by the rest.
    This is not some political or tyrannical take over type scenario where the Police become the NAZI storm troops to be fought by the free citizens for their rights. No, this is about a horrific disease spread by people infected or suspected to be infected, and every hand will be turned against those who don't go along with the program.

    1. i partially disagree. why? because we're dealing with law enforcement and a govt that 1. isn't considered a friend to the average person and 2. because well speaking for myself i blame the govt for letting it get even this far...if it gets worse i'm gonna want some payback from elected officials (for the govt agents that are reading this i want to assure you that i am speaking hypothetically and rhetorically...surely it couldnt' turn into a black plague episode could it?).

      so what does that mean? i think you're gonna see (if it get to that) the same thing you would see in a SHTF economic collapse.

      people will be bailing on jobs...especially cops and fire dept people. why go to work when you could bring a deadly disease back home to your wife and kids? additionally why would you even risk the chance of having some idiot spit on you and suddenly its a death sentence when you tongue your wife and give your kids a playful sloppy kiss?

      yep. if they don't get this contained shit can go bad. lets hope they're better than i think.

  8. What rough beast, it's hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born.
    >Yeats the second coming<
    What amazes me is the lack of reports from Russia, India, China the middle east of Ebola infections, suspicions and fears with quarantines.
    Where is it in those nations?

    1. DUDE! where is it in the EU!!!!!

      they have tons of illegal african immigration! they should have seen this long before we did! why they haven't is beyond me but we might be seeing a coverup. illegal african immigration to the EU rivals illegal mexican immigration to the US. THEY SHOULD HAVE HAD EBOLA LOOOOOOONG AGO.

    2. Solomon with "Mare Nostrum" the italian navy helped 132k africans to reach italy withouth drowing in the sea.

      Now since we help them with our LDP (sometimes I imagine how you would react if you were an Italian marine aboard the ship, since we don't use NBC suits for the task) the military checks them, and at the first cough they intervene. Take also in consideration that we got the second best health system in the world after the french one, being it public and free of charge it incentive the clandestine to show up.

      Still we haven't had a case yet, imagine if it would be as contagious as I read in the comment section how bad the situation would have been.

      But don't worry we already have a vaccine, UN got already 3k dosis and it is getting mass produced, for some reason I can't find the news in english, wonder why

  9. Need to correct, WHO just approved it and we are starting producing it in Pomezia but the 3k dosis was a wrong statement


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