Thursday, October 30, 2014

I saw this coming. According to The Nation Magazine, the USMC has an anti-gay agenda.

via The Nation.
With thousands of such walking weapons from the most homophobic of America’s armed services prowling Olongapo’s streets on R&R after testosterone-raising military exercises, the murder of Jennifer Laude was an event waiting to happen. The volatile mix of training in the lethal arts and aggressive homophobic socialization was likely to be among the factors that led Pemberton to cross the line from anger to murder that fateful night. And violence such as that meted out to Jennifer is likely to occur again and again, as the United States stations more and more troops in the Philippines in pursuit of Washington’s grand geopolitical design to contain China.

If you decide to read the entire left wing, dripping with hatred against the military in general and the Marine Corps in particular, sob story...then do yourself a favor and line the walls with pads.

You're gonna be punching hard.

I saw this coming and its for one reason.  The push to allow transgenders to serve openly is about to go full bore.  Why?  Because it seems to me that liberals see it all slipping away and will do whatever it takes to get every one of their agenda items done in the last 2 years of the Obama term.


  1. Thx for the advice about the padding, Sol, but i'm afraid I already broke a fingernail, real shame had them fixed earlier this week ... Guess I was trying too hard to blend in a work environment that's not prejudiced against sexual minorities.

    More seriously, what can I say ... WTF ??!!

  2. If you, like me, don't give a fuck if a de is gay or not, according to them you are homophobic. Happened to me a few months back and made me pretty pissed.
    About the left wing agenda, I read it everyday on brazilian news and on my Facebook feed, I just don't give a fuck about it anymore.

    1. I just read it and maaaaaaaaan this dude..... Better not say anything that may atract a bad and unwanted reputation to this blog.

    2. As long as avoiding these stories in the news is enough in order not to get entangled in this whole mess of politically correct gender policies, then so be it, I can live with that. Problem is when you got to deal with this shit 'at work', being asked to implement some BS guidelines, then the real trouble starts. And if you're in a position where you have to put people's lives at risk, you don't want to make any decision based on some wheel chair warrior's requirements regarding armed forces training and mindset, especially not when push comes to shove. But that is exactly the way this agenda is going, because the military and to some extent PMCs are gonna be pushed into taking decisions, which mean some people are gonna get killed some day because of political correctness. And then, you won't hear the liberal human-rightist tree huggers weep about some dead grunt at that point.

  3. In this day and age, in this era of Politically correct to the hilt bullshit with careers hanging and pension's endangered by any anti gay, Transgender, female, muslim sentiments expressed publicly and privately by any Marine being a one way ticket to an early discharge and BCD I cannot see how the United States Marine Corps can even be thought of as having an anti gay agenda.
    The idea while serving under this administration is ludicrous.
    What is the end game here?
    A Male in female dress blues or maternity top?
    A Female all butch and resembling Jesse ventura in Predator?
    I mean WTF is the end product supposed to look like because it will not be a Marine, a fighting man or woman it will be a clown playing dress up.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. These leftist assholes don't give a damn about the military beyond their own social-engineering projects and similar bullshit. They don't care if their decisions get men killed and weaken our military.

    Imagine how much these people LOATHE the way the American Marine has been portrayed for the past 238 years. The hate the stern looking warrior you'd see on a war-bond poster or in a movie. They hate the idea of an environment where merit matters and quotas don't. They want the real Marine erased, replaced by "men" who think they're actually women and those sort of homosexuals who base their entire existence around being gay (and so try to cause drama and trouble for everybody else). They want women to serve with their own set of "relaxed" rules and requirements that don't account for reality.

    Just what the fuck is wrong with these people?

    Excuse the rant.


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