Wednesday, October 15, 2014

IDF Desert Reconnaissance Battalion on exercise.

The Desert Reconnaissance Battalion demonstrated outstanding professionalism during a special exercise in southern Israel. 

Interesting.  I thought these guys were fully motorized but it looks like they're doing the same stuff as any other Infantry Battalion.  I thought for sure they'd be first in line for the Combat Guard patrol vehicle(?) this considered an elite unit in the IDF?


  1. I think they are the poster boys of an elite unit, the ones always picked for a photo op, the orange chamber safety devices hanging from their load bearing gear tells me these are pros and well trained.
    Vehicles? I'd guess their real vehicles don't get pictures taken off, OpSec.

  2. Off Topic

  3. These guys are recruited from Bedouin tribes and they are very good at reading signs on the terrain to track infiltrators and IEDs. A few are always attached to other Regiments and battalions to the forward elements.

  4. The Armoured Infantry Carrier is still a new kit,and has not yet been adopted in the IDF, to my knowledge.
    They have excellent cross-country mobility (large tires and good power-to-weight ratio), with a RWS that includes a GPM 7.62mm and part of the "Raincoat" Active Protection System. The sensors (radar) can be seen on the back and they are also in front of the windscreen. The armour is capable of stopping 14,5mm shells.
    I predict that this design will fit in well in the Ground Forces

  5. ttmedical is right.
    Just a few additional infos on this unit, which i have a lot of respect for. The battalion's full name basically says it all: "Hagadsar Habedui" (Bedouin Recon Battalion). It's a light infantry battalion,that never rotates out of the Southern sector. Main mission is security and tracking possible infiltrations through the area, that's why they're on foot and not motorized.
    Overwhelmingly recruited from Negev Beduin community, but also a few Arab Israelis in its ranks.
    Battalion not to be mixed up with "Siyour Bedui" who are Beduin trackers usually picked from the Beduin battalion and incorporated into other infantry units.
    And as a side note, there is also a IDF battalion made up almost entirely of members of the Druze community (so-called "Sword battalion", part of Norhern Command). Quite highly regarded as well.

  6. We still use camels for our desert recon. Amazing creatures.


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