Sunday, October 26, 2014

"Leave or Die" ... Ukrainian Civil War Back On!

Ukrainian Government is said to have air-dropped leaflets: “leave or die.”
Introductory note by Eric Zuesse: Below is from a recent day’s report by the Belarusian (or “Byelorussian”) management-consulting firm Geopolitics, a site which often posts the most-penetrating daily reports and analyses of the Ukrainian civil war, with a dozen or more articles written by various Belarusian academics. One of these news reports, shown below, is provocatively headlined “War will begin on Monday”; another is titled, “Kiev is preparing to capture Donetsk, and it will be the biggest defeat for #russia since 1991”; yet a third is “Donbass pending decisive assault”.
I've been focused on my usual fare (with the exception of Ebola)...Armored Warfare, the United States Marine Corps, the F-35 and general military matters.

But I've also had my ears to the ground with whats going on in Ukraine.

That shit is still sizzling.  Combat has never really stopped and it looks like we're going to see a bit more savage fighting before the first snow fall.

Seems like Kiev is setting up a decisive battle to stabilize the lines before winter.


  1. Ukraine is in defense and after the elections they are in bit more active defense. If Poland had given F-16's to Ukraine like that story says, we would know. Talk about immediate Ukraine offensive is likely calculated disinformation screen to cover future offensives by separatist and Russian army units that are present in east Ukraine. They have been lately reinforced with new gear.

    At the moment time is in Ukraine's side, Russia has working army, Ukraine doesnt, but Ukraine is improving day by day and getting re-organized. As long as Putin has to hide Russian presence, that gives Ukraine a chance.

    Will this be Ukraine's winter war? Hard to say, if you look at the map, Russia has taken only relatively small parts of the country. But problem for Ukraine is that Putin wants more, slowly but surely, land connection to crimea and so on. If you want peace in this case, you have to win in by war.

  2. "Poland gave Ukraine aircraft to bomb the cities"

    I don't know what this dude is smoking... but that is good stuff.

  3. It's Russian/Belarussian bullshit.

    Ukraine was straining to keep it together before the last counter-offensive by the rebels. They don't have the logistics, cash or natural gas for an offensive. Russian can just turn off the natural gas the whole of Ukraine would turn into an ice block by November.

  4. another destruction of ukraine army if they tried to do anything.. they never learned

  5. I'm not a reader of yours but from the first glance you seem reasonable enough. And you fell for this shit lol.

    Actually this is pretty mild piece of propaganda. The latest russians have come up is 2slaves and a pot of land for ukrainian soldiers. (I'm serious they showed this trash on state TV)


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