Monday, October 20, 2014

Marine Nationale, Exercise Catamaran 2014 featuring BPC Mistral.

All pics via Marine Nationale.


  1. Whoha... they have a wooden panels there?

    1. yup, its called designing with french flair or panache or something equally french i am sure. Plus when its gets retired and refurbished as a museum, those panels will look pretty decent. Have all the french navy and marine folk sign their names on the panels as well.

  2. Off topic :

  3. so tall.. i wonder if these type of ships will be the first target in a missile (ASM) attack in a real war.. A hit or two on this ship will cause massive loss of lives and can the modern french military sustain such losses .?

    1. if the French are doing it right then they will launch fighters from the carrier and destroy all anti-ship missile batteries. if that fails then they have modern destroyers and frigates whose primary job is to destroy incoming missiles and if that doesn't work every ship has point defense weapons.

      i admit that the Mistrals are built to commercial standards but that just means that you have to work on fleet defense a bit harder.

    2. One would think they would have installed something like CAMM 32 or 64 of them or something, their supporting radar systems (on the bridge-superstructure), along with some proper point defence, anti-submarine torpeodes, and decoy syestems. They didn't which is crazy.

      Nevertheless apart from being defenceless it is a pretty cool and fairly advanced (iep, azymoth thrusters, etc..etc..). DCNS is one of the best ship designers, they generally build very nice stuff (when the politicians let them), and often at respectable prices.


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