Saturday, October 04, 2014

Must Read!


  1. Cooler climate makes it harder to spread not easyer .

    Article lists a possible means of airborne transmition ,so far that was never the case and cold climates otherwise inhibit viruses like Ebola ,its basicaly a statment taken out of context and pure bullshit.

    Potential exists is not the same as that is how it happens.
    ''However, aerosol transmission is thought to be possible and may occur in conditions of lower temperature and humidity which may not have been factors in outbreaks in warmer climates [13]. At the very least, the potential exists for aerosol transmission, given that virus is detected in bodily secretions, the pulmonary alveolar interstitial cells, and within lung spaces”''

  2. More and more i think about it ''Land of the free and home of the brave'' probably meant the Indian Braves as current 'flock of sheep' seems to be scared shit less all the time ,always looking for the new thing to be scared off. LOL

    ALL Hemorrhagic fever viruses (all strains of Ebola, Marburgs etc…) are actually very fragile virus particles that need a very specific environment to survive for even a short time. THIS is why all cases of Ebola always happen in the same place, in Central/West African jungles: HOT HOT HOT and WET WET WET. ALL Hemorrhagic viruses require extreme heat and humidity to survive, and as I said above, they literally die very quickly when they are exposed to air conditioning.
    Ebola requires direct contact with infected bodily fluids and it dies very quickly when it comes in contact with drier, cooler air.

    Potential for Ebola pandemic is low because it kills too quickly and the gestational period is too short for it to spread very far. Ebola Zaire has the highest mortality rate- close to 90% of those infected die from the virus, but it also has the shortest gestational period and it can be symptomatic as quickly as 2-6 days after contamination. As the onset of symptoms is so severe immediately, infected people are not likely to be boarding airplanes, going to night clubs or partaking in unprotected sex. (the Duncan fellow is quite a moron but still an exception to the rule)

    1. i was gonna let your first statement go. we're in the field of medicine and i'm simply digesting info that i'm not well versed in and arriving at a conclusion. i could be wrong. but you sound like an idiot.

      your second comment is so arrogant that i can't let it slide. to be scared of? not fucking likely. i'm not scared of ISIS, i just want the bastards dead. i'm not scared of ebola, i just think that we're not being told the truth. the place where i live is still the land of the brave...and independent thinking---the type of people that don't follow the crowd, don't follow the latest "hot" thing and don't need a nanny state. the land where you live is probably so dependent on govt services that when the power goes out you cower in the corner. where i live we can make it. we can survive. we can and do defend ourselves, know what the forest is without having to look at it from a computer screen and we don't live in concrete jungles.

      watch yourself mr. t. i think you're making statements without realizing how they'll be received. thats your right. but don't be upset if you get more than a bit of pushback.

    2. I'm just going to leave this excerpt here without comment.
      "[Ebola] SURVIVAL OUTSIDE HOST: Filoviruses have been reported capable to survive for weeks in blood and can also survive on contaminated surfaces, particularly at low temperatures (4°C). One study could not recover any Ebolavirus from experimentally contaminated surfaces (plastic, metal or glass) at room temperature. In another study, Ebolavirus dried onto glass, polymeric silicone rubber, or painted aluminum alloy is able to survive in the dark for several hours under ambient conditions (between 20 and 250C and 30–40% relative humidity) (amount of virus reduced to 37% after 15.4 hours), but is less stable than some other viral hemorrhagic fevers (Lassa). When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4 °C, Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days. This information is based on experimental findings only and not based on observations in nature. This information is intended to be used to support local risk assessments in a laboratory setting. "

      BTW, until recently, our Canadian neighbors' info pages listed that airborne Ebola had been observed in laboratory settings, but have reportedly since excised those notes, apparently because that info was undermining the Happygas being spewed on TV from their brethren at the CDC. If I develop or hear of links to the before and after pages, I'll post them.

      Thanks for the link.

    3. nope. thanks for the info. i'm deletign the other crap because it steps on your more powerful message.

    4. As the stark says. The winter is coming.
      If it dies at temperatures below 4°C perhaps it won't spread that much in USA and Canada.

  3. You do realize that you live in the world of 24 news ,most of which are trash in trash out (Fox News being prime example , taking it really deep into bullshit area ) ,things are being blown way out of proportions and not always due to innocent ignorance of the news people .

    In case of Ebola you do not need a medical degree just some common sense and a bit of research.To be able to separate bullshit for the rest . Look at subject of Viral hemorrhagic fevers (Ebola,Dengue fever,Yellow fever etc) and you will quickly find out that its all bullshit and who comes up with such bullshit ither scared or people trying to scare others whatever the motive there is nothing brave about it.

    This might sound harsh but you have to admit its true.
    You do realize that you might not represent an average not but most of your fellow citizens do live in the cities ,follow the crowd ,wait in line for all the latest hot shit they do not need (black friday shoping fights are my favorite,long lines for new Apple, or Alibaba IPO where stupid fucks threw in 25bilion for a chinese post box in Caymans) ,never served in military etc. Nanny state is a PR trick people fell for - 20% of Us house holds are on food stamps i do not know any western country that would come close even the ones with most welfare like Sweden , Norway ,France

    As for electricity fallout do you know any other country that had riots and looting following a black out .

    1. There always is a boogeyman when the government is trying to grab more power & control. Just watch, the govt. will crack down on the open borders at some point (Ebola may just be the boogeyman they are looking for) and they will go far and beyond what is actually needed when they do it. It will be the Patriot Act all over again, and very shortly travel into, out of, and within the USA will look a lot like it did in East Germany when the Stasi were running the show, all for our protection, hell they'll "do it for the children". I am firmly convinced that the bastards in power know exactly what they are doing and the news media is their Ministry of Propaganda. 100% of their actions (and inaction) are all about controlling us. They absolutely play on people's fear.

  4. If we had normal leadership we could manage these things. We do not. Our president is an idiot. Double the troops to Africa to "fight" Ebola and no ground troops (Executive Outcomes doctrine preferred) to take care of a Middle Eastern threat that will not be stopped by air strikes. As for the BS news sources, you for got a few other bad actors: CBS, PMSNBC, ABC, etc.

    1. well said Eric!!!! that guy seems to trust without question information from local, state and federal authorities and refuses to look at alternate media.

      that is THE problem with our society. it seems that many refuse to think! its what is causing the mess in the military in general and specifically with the F-35, the LCS and armor in the USMC and US Army.

      i ask anyone to simply believe what i say out of hand. but think! even if you disagree do more than simply follow the herd and agree with something that is truly suspect.


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