Thursday, October 16, 2014

Updated! Congressional Hearing on Ebola.

This is a trainwreck!

The CDC director is an absolute MORON!  He is getting savaged by Congressmen and they're just asking basic questions!

We are living in the age of incompetence, silliness, arrogance and a belif that "hoping that things will work out" makes it so.  We're screwed folks.  This hearing is the final talking point for me.  YOU MUST WATCH THIS!

UPDATE:  Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn is just ripping these dudes apart!  I'm loving it.  Tennessee needs to re-elect her!  I just found a new hero.

UPDATE 1:  And so it begins.  TheRequimen sent this link.  Note that we're not hearing about all the false alarms.  When we get reports like this one you can bet that its damn near confirmed.  Now shit is about to get real.  They might not be able to keep a lid on this past the Christmas season.

UPDATE 2:  Alacran sent this link on the US asking Spain to use their bases as a jumping off point for missions into Africa.  Wouldn't it be tragic if US troops turn out to be the vector of this disease worldwide instead of the angels bringing relief?

UPDATE 3:  Tony made this comment in an earlier post.  I originally had it as a separate entry but decided to include it here....
UPDATE from Texas... A military service member was on one of the flights with the infected nurse. The military "suggested" to the family to voluntarily quarantine themselves. Well their kid goes to a school my "buddies" wife teaches at........ Shit just hit home no matter how remote the chance the kid was infected. I heard from my "buddy" only half his wife's class showed up today. Also if the kid ends up having Ebola she will have to be quarantined at home.... Also the statement the school district sent out lied and said the nurse had no symptoms while on her flights.... My "buddy" needs to double check he has 3 months worth of food stocked up in case both their jobs force them into lock down.... by God it may seem small to some, but its deer season and my "buddy" will hate to miss 21 days of it which would put him over the top in food supplies.......... it might suck and just isn't right from the individual perspective....
This thing is hitting harder than anyone in authority wants to admit.  This will affect the economy.  No doubt about it. 



    Preliminary results will come back in a few hours, full lab tests, 24 hours.

  2. UPDATE........ they are not under quarantine or being monitored. The military just didn't want the person on the flight to come on base just in case. So in turn the family wanted to be cautious and decided for everyone in the family to stay home. So its the media who blew it out of proportion. For all purposes though only about half the kids in the school showed.

    1. Marine Corps times is reporting it as a quarantine now.

    2. Well tgen they must be trying to calm the public with the info they are giving. You know with my job I get the "perception" part of things and trying to keep people calm. Hell everyone can see how a hair different view on a video these days can make an officer look as if he is fighting someone for no reason or completely justified. The way they keep coming out with 2 different narratives on this makes rational people wonder if they are truly just down playing this to keep the population as calm as possible until they can figure this out, or are they waiting until the populace gets used to the idea and the normalcy bias kicks in then the truth can come out and fewer go nuts.

    3. It's called talking out both sides of their mouth and saying nothing.
      The second way you can spot when a politician or other gov official is lying.

  3. Watched about an hour of that train wreck.

    The real reason that the CDC wants to 'monitor' people instead of quarantining them? Simple. It's to justify their own existence as an agency.

    You don't need a lot of high-paid medical expertise to run a quarantine. Just leadership, some guys with guns, and some logisticians to run food/supplies into the facilities efficiently. All the docs have to do is take readings on detainees and decide when they're no longer a risk.

    No, they want to keep the borders open and monitor people (ineffectually) because it gives them, as an agency, something medically challenging to do. They wait until those people become symptomatic because then they get to use the fancy, high-priced isolation facilities that we've paid through the nose for.

    Lock down the borders and 2/3rds of their reason for being disappears overnight.

  4. WARNING - Minor rant.

    Did some on secretly want this out break to occur? want some sort of move like Apocalypse? regional health orgs. and WHO have lot to re consider and answer for (not mention the politicians of several countries). I bring in to question your motives and if not that - then your competency. Their position and actions from the start on this has been very poor. There was no urgency in managing the initial outbreak and ongoing growth/spread - we heard a lot of 'it wont happen' "very low risk of spreading/hard for it to spread". Well look what you have now. well done. You now have 60 days to save the world apparently
    Does this Ebola out break justify your existence or just prove you failed in your role in protecting/managing humanity from such diseases? - or do I hear you asking for a pay rise 'to effectively manage these things'

    WHO, regional health orgs. and the main global politicians failed on this little bench mark I like to use:

    'One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency'.

    Arnold H. Glasow

    (I will say that some West African governments and aid providers were begging for help from the onset)

    1. Look up Carry Capacity of the earth.
      Yes, there are those who wish to see 95% of the world population killed.
      With only the Elite Rich to survive.
      So they can manage the earth's environment better.


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