Thursday, October 16, 2014

OK. If this story is true....

via New York Post...
A plane from Nigeria landed at JFK Airport Thursday with a male passenger aboard who had died during the flight after a fit of vomiting — and CDC officials conducted a “cursory” exam before announcing there was no Ebola and turning the corpse over to Port Authority cops to remove, Rep. Peter King said on Thursday.
The congressman was so alarmed by the incident — and by what he and employees see as troubling Ebola vulnerabilities at JFK — that he fired off a letter to the federal Department of Homeland Security demanding more training and tougher protocols for handling possible cases there.
The unnamed, 63-year-old passenger had boarded an Arik Air plane out of Lagos, Nigeria, on Wednesday night, a federal law enforcement source said.
During the flight, the man had been vomiting in his seat, the source said. Some time before the plane landed, he passed away. Flight crew contacted the CDC, federal customs officials and Port Authority police, who all boarded the plane at around 6 a.m. as about 145 worried passengers remained on board, the source said.



  1. I think the car is out of the bag

  2. If the control is:
    - Ask for contact with Ebola and check the temperature.

    I believe that it will not serve.

    If I am in Africa, I prefer to leave and that cures to me outside, and so I will lie in the questions.

    If I have fever then will take paracetamol to travel, it lowers to the fever the sufficient thing to me to mount in the airplane.

    In Spain, the Spanish Army proposed to mount a NBQ hospital in the zone of Ebola to treat to Spaniards and other patients.
    Also it proposed, to mount the same NBQ hospital in a Spanish Air Force base. The government did not accept any of the options.
    Only NBQ personal military man would treat the patients, no civilian. They would follow military protocols and quarantines.
    The civil personnel was little preparation, had received theoretical formation, nonpractical.

    1. Spanish HQ understand how this works and that they have the best tools to work in that conditions, just like in every army with specialized ABC units. Why civis don't accept that solutions... is absolutely beyond me. And we speak about Spain... country on the frontline.

    2. The politicians and their decisions.

      But now all remember the army and their ideas. Until politicians of lefts they defend them.
      Between the military who repatriated the patients not there has been no infected. They followed a strict protocol and the stretcher went closed.

      First missionary and a nun:
      Transfer to the hospital
      Second missionary.

      The politicians save in the necessary thing, personnel training and equipment, but they spend in the superfluous thing. The voluntary doctors, nurses and nurse assistants received 30 or 40 minutes of theoretical formation, almost the same required time to undress.

      Spain authorize that US aircrafts returning from areas of risk in western Africa to stop at the US bases in Morón de la Frontera (Seville) and Rota (Cádiz).
      Spain authorize the use of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria airport as a stopover point for aircraft carrying medical personnel and equipment to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea to fight Ebola.

      Other countries don't want Ebola around.
      October 8, 2014
      A small aircraft carrying a Norwegian doctor with the Ebola virus was denied permission by the Portuguese authorities, and also by Morocco.
      The pilot eventually landed in the Canary Islands (Spain) where he refueled and traveled to Paris where they made a stop over before carrying on to Oslo

  3. awake me when it finish!

    Carnival cruise ship carrying Texas hospital worker handled Ebola victim’s specimen!

    1. The incompetence of those involved is absolutely astounding, particularly those who have authority.

      We're still treating this thing like we can work at the auto plant and go home at 5pm, and then go on that vacation. Sure, there are labor laws involved but we have to start applying common sense to this. As I said yesterday, the consumer society industrial hospital process is not set up for infectious diseases. It set up for oil changes (knee surgery), baby delivery, organ surgery, etc. Once a health worker works on Ebola, they have to go on a self monitor, low exposure protocol. They can not be taking airplane trips, going on cruises, etc. If that requires extra pay then so be it. If we don't want to do that, then we need uniformed military medical staff or US Public health staff (also uniformed).

  4. We need a new Rikers Island quarantine area, you fly into the states you go directly to quarantine.
    You better need to come here because you would spend 21 days on that Island and the chow will be shitty.

    1. What about the 2% that start showing symptoms on day 42? 50 day quarantine, it's the only way to be sure.

  5. Replies
    1. this is the weirdest story i've ever seen. the paper is claiming that ebola is ruled out before they even performed lab tests! additionally i can't find any follow up on it. i might not be doing it right but it seems as if this never happened cause no one is even curious.

    2. Knee jerk CYA reaction, like saying even before they know an attack isn't Islamic terrorism.
      I think CDC and Federal government is finally scared shit less and cannot quite catch up, they are panicked and afraid of the people when they finally panic, they know who the people will blame and then who will be scarier than Ebola. Ebola MIGHT infect THEM but an angry citizen will want to hang them.
      Threaten their kids and politician's will face a threat that will make them pay in blood.
      Some States (Dekalb county Ga schools) are stepping in to fill a vacuum and Fed is scared they may lose authority to state.
      Hence Federalizing ANG.

  6. Fire fighters and EMT in Atlanta area are showing off their PPE gear.
    They believe in Ebola.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. i dont know if this is just panic reaction from ebola scare , or real ebola outbreak .... panicking is as harmful if not more harmful that a real incident..

    that said, why no ban on incoming flight from infected countries ? or temporary visa ban for people from infected countries ? or quarantine for passengers from infected countries ? these forms they give passengers to fill in before landing, they have the questions like "have you visited xxxxx in the last xxxx days?" , is that just formality ?


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