Sunday, October 05, 2014

OMFG! Russian Guy thinks he's a US Marine?

All photos via English Russia.  You just HAVE to read the story here.  Just plain wow.  I wouldn't be surprised if he's out in uniform one day and some real deal Russian Naval Infantry doesn't kick the living shit out of him.  Of course this might be just one huge ass joke.  I don't know.  One other thing.  I don't know if air-soft is big in Russia but I do know that it is in Europe.  Maybe this is just part of his role playing setup?


  1. lol, Thinks he's a Marine, but wears Army ACU's. He's all kinds of fucked up.

  2. Air soft and reenacting is big in Russia. Shit, the WWII reenactments have hundreds of guys and use actual tanks.

  3. Airsoft and reenacting by large leap most popular in Russia and Eastern Europe and as Paralus mentioned these guys often sport armored vehicles including tanks.
    Some of these guys play real war too.

    Airsofters building an M1

  4. Cover too large; improperly worn;
    Improper shave;
    Unauthorized marksmanship medal; medal improperly centered on blouse;
    Blouse improperly fit, too large, shoulders and sleeves baggy
    Belt maladjusted/gig line incorrect;
    No service hashmarks;

    Grade UNSAT.
    Inspection fail.

    1. Improper shave? I don't think that guy's ever grown face hair.

    2. That's my point: I can see the peach fuzz shadow he's never shaved off.

  5. Yeah, he seems to be a big lover of airsoft. For example I have some buddies who are walking regularly with M-16's and NATO uniforms outdoors. However I'm not interested in such kind of entertainments.

  6. Bring him over and send him to the recruiter give him a chance.


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