Wednesday, October 22, 2014

One possible future outcome from the Ottawa Incident.

Canada got hit today.  Some will say that it wasn't a particularly effective attack but it has rattled law makers in Canada and the US.

Which leads me to the next issue.

After the fact, terrorist leaders will realize that they missed a prime opportunity to take out the Canadian legislative branch.

I'm betting that terrorist are going to go after political leadership in the future.  Politicians, military leaders, judges etc...Once you get past a couple of security/law enforcement personnel at the checkpoint/metal detector its clear sailing.  Consider it a Jihadist Matrix scene...only this will be real...and the victims might be Congressmen, Dept Heads, Generals/Admirals and Judges...


  1. This was just a former drug addict who got Islam and went Jihadi.
    Had it been a planned by a terror cell attack the Canadian Parliament would be toast right now.
    No metal detectors and no terrorist prevention in this day and age is immature and foolish.
    Better harden up if they plan on welcoming back returning Jihadi's.

  2. Yes and No.
    What do not know is how much intel the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC - Canada) has on particular groups or its "5 eyes" partners (other Anglo countries US, UK, AUS, NZ). The hardest thing to defend against is crazy, particularly individual crazy as proven over and over again. Up until today, the average Canadian could picnic/play soccer on the lawns of Parliament Hill. We like every other western society are trying to live in balanced societies where the 99.9999% of us can still enjoy our rights and freedoms that come with our great societies. Sadly today will change that, and Parliament Hill in Ottawa will likely never be the same again.

    1. no one is saying it but Canadians are two things. liberal and stubborn. i bet this doesn't change a thing in the end. i bet it will be a case where this is blamed on a crazy man and everything goes back to as was in a week or two.

    2. Liberal and Stubborn? You could say probably characterize it like that. Like the US, we also have our red states vs blue states type of split, except it's more like regions. Large metro centres like Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal tend to be more liberal while the regions like the Prairies, Maritimes, rural Ontario, rural BC, tend to be much more conservative.
      I suspect that Parliament Hill security will be upped to some degree. The question is by how much. The Prime Ministers organization is in a different building from the main Parliament building. Security was increased at that building a few days ago along with the threat level from the CDN gov't.

    3. If the threat level of the government was increased a few days before that means someone heard some chatter which would make you wonder if this nut was in contact with a terror group.
      If he was maybe it was a simple probing test to see what 1 can do by themselves. Or simply to let them know how vulnerable they really are..

    4. great point and i just heard that a little while ago...loong after i put up this post. one other thing though. you can bet that the talk about police militarization is least in the capitols of nations...and in the big cities.

      i watched Chris Matthews and the guys is scared shitless. this is a great day for BearCat MRAP salesmen everywhere.

    5. Maybe if Canada receives a large scale mass casualty event like 9/11 (God forbid) then things will change.
      As it is, the Canadian government is still kissing Muslim ass.

  3. "Well, There is the problem right there!"
    The shooters mother is a government official with the Canadian Immigration and refugee board.
    His father is a Muslim who fought in Libya in 2011.
    He wasn't a convert but a Muslim from the get go who back slide into drugs.
    The Government reacted by advising/ordering it's soldiers to stop wearing their uniforms. Opening the gun control debate and telling all Muslim's to report any anti Muslim back lash.
    It appears the enemy if that's what Canada calls them has won this round quite thoroughly.
    One more attack and the flag comes down and Arabic becomes the Official third language of Canada.
    The only hope is a change of government, which if not for the heroics of the Master of Arms would have happened with one more step by the shooter.
    Liberal, stubborn and stupid.


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