Friday, October 24, 2014

Outbreak Global Incident Map Website...

*Dengue Fever in China.

*Over 6000 Dengue Fever cases in Taiwan.

*The outbreak of Enterovirus D68 continues in the US...extremely under reported...

Want to know what bugs are roaming the planet?  Check out the Outbreaks Global Incident Map website here.

Sidenote>  Tunisia has its first confirmed Ebola outbreak.  Its a short jump to Spain...illegal immigration will get it there.  Additionally Brazil has its first Ebola its in S. America.  This shit will get out of control.


  1. looks great, doesn't mention the black death in Madagascar though.

  2. Links?
    Tunisia's suspected case from three days ago has not been reported as positive, and Brazil's case from 10/10 was ruled out, last I heard.

    The 'net's got nothing.

    1. Outbreaks' assclowns never update their map with real data of follow-up info. So they're just reporting every possible case as the real deal.
      Irresponsible site management there.

    2. look, i'm not trying to defend this site but before you criticize it how about taking the time to explore it a bit? if you scroll down to the moving tabs of "outbreaks" and click on them, it'll take you to a page that has the links you're asking for.

    3. Noted, Solomon.
      But it's still irresponsible of them to post every Ebola potential case as the real deal, and not take the markers down when they turn out to be false alarms.
      That's panic-mongering by them, not informing. And it doesn't take anything to fix but diligence.

      If they'd just do their homework it would be a resource, but as it is, it's just crying "Wolf!", which may get them site hits, but doesn't help anyone else. They are an alimentary canal of information with a mouth, but no anus, which leaves one F.O.S.

      My only advice is not to discount them entirely, but double-verify what they're putting out.
      Like for instance the notation that there's no known Ebola in Brazil or Tunisia.

      Just saying.

  3. It is funny how a lot more scarier sickness is never mentioned since it isn't contagious: Chagas disease

    " In the early stage, symptoms are typically either not present or mild and may include: fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, or local swelling at the site of the bite.[1] After 8–12 weeks, individuals enter the chronic phase of disease and in 60–70% it never produces further symptoms.[2][3] The other 30 to 40% of people develop further symptoms 10 to 30 years after the initial infection.[3] This includes enlargement of the ventricles of the heart in 20 to 30% leading to heart failure."

  4. If this gets loose in South and Central America it's gonna run wild all the way to the US border.
    Their healthcare allows strong anti biotics to be sold OTC and taken till they feel better, breeding super germs, that could keep a virus low enough to spread like wildfire.
    Chagas, the source is in Armadillo, they are all over the south now.
    Folks in Mexico eat them and even keep them as pets.


    Just sayin'


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