Saturday, October 18, 2014

Peru buying Mig-35's?

via Defesanet AgĂȘncia de NotĂ­cias
Russia plans to export new-generation fighters to Peru (Russian Gazette) Peru air force should change the Soviet MiG-29 by the modern MiG-35. Although military experts believe in the potential of the aircraft, the MiG-35 is not in the service of the Russian Armed Forces and this prevents promotion abroad.
Interesting.  The choice is curious.  My best guess?  Peru is cost conscious and I'm betting that the Russians are selling the Mig at a great price just to get it into service somewhere.  Additionally since its apparently well regarded by the aviation community it would appear to "over match" everything currently flying and will (in Peru's opinion) hopefully match (at least) aircraft coming into service into the future.  This bears watching.  The arms race in S. America is being ignored by many but so many arms with so many rivalries can't be a good thing.