Saturday, October 18, 2014

Peru buying Mig-35's?

via Defesanet AgĂȘncia de NotĂ­cias
Russia plans to export new-generation fighters to Peru (Russian Gazette) Peru air force should change the Soviet MiG-29 by the modern MiG-35. Although military experts believe in the potential of the aircraft, the MiG-35 is not in the service of the Russian Armed Forces and this prevents promotion abroad.
Interesting.  The choice is curious.  My best guess?  Peru is cost conscious and I'm betting that the Russians are selling the Mig at a great price just to get it into service somewhere.  Additionally since its apparently well regarded by the aviation community it would appear to "over match" everything currently flying and will (in Peru's opinion) hopefully match (at least) aircraft coming into service into the future.  This bears watching.  The arms race in S. America is being ignored by many but so many arms with so many rivalries can't be a good thing. 


  1. From what I have read the MIG-35 should have a very low sticker price. Somewhere in the 30-40 million range per aircraft.

    Of course the knock on the old MIG-29 was high levels of maintenance required and general unreliability of the aircraft. Several old Warsaw pact countries promptly gave away MIG-29s after the end of the cold war because they were just too much of a maintenance headache.

    The question is has MIG improved to SAAB levels of ease of maintenance and reliability? Otherwise go by a Grippen.

    1. Those countries also gave away Mig23/27 and just about anything more sophisticated than mig 21 because they were cash strapped not because Mig 29 would be a hard to maintain plane.

  2. Russia offered the MiG-35 to India for an estimated $35 million per aircraft during their competition. The Rafale won and the MiG-35 was turned down because its AESA radar hadn't been able to have the range they wanted, but at $35 million it was definitely the cheapest entry into the competition.

    Actually the MiG-29 series supposedly got more reliable and maintenance-friendly when they started making the Fulcrum-M and up. The Israelis got their hands on three MiG-29s and put them through their paces. They found the MiGs were relatively low maintenance when compared to the F-15 and F-16:

  3. I just don't see it.
    We always see grandiose plans in south america but they never come to anything.
    Be it armoured divisions, battleship fleets or heavy fighter wings.

    Maybe a prestige squadron capable of lofting 8 on national day for a parade and a couple for interceptor duties.

    1. you're looking at the wrong countries. Argentina and Nicaragua are basket cases for sure but the others???? they have their act together and have some remarkably powerful and capable military forces.

      Peru? Columbia?...and its case its hardened after fighting/still fighting a war against rebels. Brazil? all those countries and a few more have it together and are gearing up at an alarming rate. even more interesting is that they aren't going for infantry heavy, but instead mech heavy forces....and they're buying tanks.

      you could argue that there isn't a threat to national security in the region that should make such purchases necessary but the reality is a bit more stark. if we take our eyes off the ball we're going to see major warfare breakout. over what? no idea. but when you have that many toys and you're not some Middle Eastern nation, then it can be expected that you're going to eventually use them.

    2. Yeah, remeber the war in 95 between Peru and Ecuador over cenepa ..

      Otherwise no one messes with Chile they have the best trained , equipped and armed airfoce in whole south america.

  4. Peru is a particular country in South America. It was the first country to have Submarines, ( 11 in the 80') now they keep 6 german U-209. Also Peru was the first country to have Super sonic fithers (Mirage) The first country to have BWR missiles (Russian Amrramskys) an a big fleet of Frigates and smaller ships with the longer range antiship missiles in the Americas (Otomat with 180 Kilometers, tested in Peruvian waters.)
    Peruvians never say what they are going to buy or they have already. If the Russian are anouncing it, is because there is a dispute in the Peruvian Airforce right now. The actual president, (an ex-militar) is more pro-French and Korean (He studies there as military). Peru is building new anphibious ships like the French Mistral but with Korean techonology and the country just bouth an expensive military French Satellite. I wont be surprised if Peru buys Rafales to complement their Mirage2000 or F/A-50 Golden Eagles. Now that they are building "Korean" Tucanos in Peru. (KT 1P)
    And the F/A-50 was offerted by Korea too

    1. The Golden Eagle would be perfect for Peru. personally I have my doubts about their purchase of Rafales but I certainly hope so; that is a fighter that has a lot going for it.

  5. Solomon this is off topic, but i was looking for a way to donate some money to the YPG but i couldn't find any, do you know if there is an official page? i tried looking for one but couldn't find anything, i know there are occidental voluntaries with them, any way to support them?

    1. i don't even know what the YPG is! educate us all.

    2. YPG stands for People Protection Unit, it the syrian kurdish army, you have PKK that are Turkish Kurds, the Peshmerga are the Iraq ones.

      YPG is the one that is fighting in Kobane against IS. At the same time they didn't receive armaments like the peshmerga because they are too near Turkey and they don't have the weight of their Iraq counterparts.

    3. ok. sorry for this but i gotta shut this down like real fast. i can't have the blog serve as a conduit to any armed groups...even those that we deem worthy.

      the classification changes too rapidly, friends become enemies...naw...even if i knew a way to donate money i would never publish it on my blog.

    4. no problem, I was expecting an answer like that, a wise one, I will keep looking by myself if there is something official.

      Thanks anyway Solomon. :)

    5. thanks and sorry see US politics and the State Dept. all bluster, and little common sense.

  6. for peru's need , the mig 35 is sufficient.. especially against Ecuadorian Air Force

  7. That sure is a good looking plane though!

  8. The Super Hornet is also considered, as well as the Gripen

    ( Lima - Representatives of the aviation corporation Boeing informed international media about the interest of the company to sell fighter jets FA-18E / F Super Hornet to the air forces of Brazil, Chile and Peru


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