Friday, October 24, 2014

PLA NLOS "Sino-Spike" ATGM Vehicle...

photos via China Defense.

Does this remind you of something?  Maybe the pics below????  From an earlier post I did....For those that don't remember its the "Hellfire M-113" from the late 1980's...too bad it didn't make it into service.  It would have ravaged Iraqi Tanks in the first Gulf War.


  1. You can buddy-lase/or net hand-off with this too. Where, the shooter is behind defilade.

    1. which is what i'd love to see done more with our bombers. why we don't have B-52's filled to the gills flying orbits over SOCOM units in Afghanistan with TACAIR controllers lasing targets is beyond me but i don't know why we aren't doing it. why bother with coordinates when you can lase it and forget it? this can be done at long range if you have the right munition too. that means one B-52 could provide coverage for two or three teams...or at least i think they could. someone is going to do an after action on our fights in the desert and the leadership is going to get raped for stupidity.

    2. The lasers are very heavy and eat batteries like a fat kids eats cake. They are about as manportable for a ground mobile SOF team as a MK 19 would be.

  2. What's more intriguing is why we can't field a NLOS system considering we invented the damn concept with FOGM back in the 70's.

    I know why General Meyer put the kibosh on it back then, but why can't we do it now? The Euros developed Polyphem, Israelis NLOS Spike, Brazil has FOG-MPM, but Raytheon and LM fuck up our own NLOS?

    1. i don't know the history on this and haven't kept up with what US manufacturers are doing in the field. what is the problem?

    2. I've always respected the FOGM as a concept. Something that has been sorely missed since its initial debut.

    3. Here's Carlton Meyer's take on it:

      as far as post-Cold War, it worked, but it was put on the chopping block as unnecessary along with a host of other good ideas. I don't get it.

      It would be a great expeditionary weapon.

      So I don't understand how NLOS Netfires can be so fucked up by Raytheon and LM.

    4. Paralus, that is interesting.

      Meyer dismissed it as being inferior to the Hellfire and Apache, comparing a ground missile system to an attack helicopter and line of sight missile, although was concerned about such a design falling into the hands of the Soviets due to the immensity of its potential as a anti-helicopter, infantry-support weapon. Fascinating.

  3. the chinese military sure is modernizing rapidly in every area.. i wonder if the chinese will also copy the AGS Buford medium tank too

  4. On a sidenote, what is the range penalty of a ground launched hellfire missile.
    As far as i remember the range when launched from an Apache is 6km for the older varriants and 9km for the new ones.

  5. This could be the Tank of the future, vertical launch cells, remote control command vehicles and a small 40 mm gun for self defense with attached APC and infantry.

  6. A VLS equipped AFV would be awesome. Imagine seeing a vehicle moving across the battlefield, and not having a clue as to what kind of goodies were liable to come flying out. SAMs, ATGMs, GPS guided HE artillery rockets, recon drones? Who knows? Only the guys who loaded it and have the buttons. Maybe they took out the missile module and now they have the inside loaded with infantry, supplies, or a mortar.

    As far as UGVs' go, I imagine infantry units having their own mini engineer vehicle equipped with an HMG for fire support. Just big enough to clear a wide footpath or bulldoze a hole into a wall or large building. the ability to rapidly dig a DFP alone would make it beloved as long as it worked.

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