Saturday, October 25, 2014

PLA's Mobile Landing Dock...

Chinese Defense Blog's pic of the PLA's new Mobile Landing Dock.
Feel free to correct me but this again appears to be a bit of Chinese mimicry.  This time it looks like they've decided to copy the Navy's JLOTS (Joint Logistics Over The Shore) System.  You can see pics of that below for comparison.

Why is this interesting?  Because the Chinese have made a choice.  They've chosen JLOTS over Sea Basing.

The Chinese haven't appeared to be cost conscious when it comes to defense spending.  From stealth aircraft, to a modern jet transport, modern armor, advanced destroyers to state of the art amphibious ships...the Chinese haven't been penny pinching.

Which begs the question.  They've copied everything else, so why not the sea base.  Do they see the same issues with it that I do?