Thursday, October 02, 2014

S-97 RAIDER photo


  1. Real interesting how they buried the exhaust and directed it towards top/end of the Raider. Should blend/dissipate real fast. Nice overall design, great detail finish.

    1. what has me punching walls is that Piaseki has been working on a pusher design to convert the blackhawk into a faster bird. no one is touching it but it would make a very nice surrogate for the supposed capabilities of the V-22.

    2. But the Piaseki design has conventional rotors so has the same forward-retreat issue with the main rotor and is limited to 180 knots

      The S97's cruising speed is 220 knots. I'd love to see a Blackhawk version

    3. The prolbem with the S97 Raider is KISS.

      The question will be how many AAS-72X US Army could buy for one S97 Raider and how big will be the difference for maintainence? I can see 1 additional rotor. That will not come for free.

      Price for UH-72 is $6 million expectet price for S97 is $15 million (and rising). About 3 times more AAS. First flight for BK117/EC-145 was 13 June 1979. This is a well proven helicopter. You can expect just half of the S97 ready in relation to the UH-72. Get real!

      Does the AAS need speed or range?

  2. The pusher Blackhawk would be a nice upgrade, I haven't heard much about it, only a small press release. Makes too much sense, I guess.

    Also, Sol, this is an Army program to replace UH/AH but Navy and Coast Guard bought quite a few UH60 derivatives, I haven't heard any news on the other services input or interest. Am I right? Has there been any thought to what the other services down the road might buy or if this could replace Navy MR60s?

    1. the Army is pushing to upgrade the UH60 and CH-47 so they can start development now to make it happen in the 2030 timeframe. they're just being prudent. everyone else is just going to leach off the Army's work...except the USMC with the V-22 and CH-53K.

  3. This Sikorsky S-97 Raider shape reminds me very much the images of the downed helicopter used on DEVGRU / SEAL team 6 operation "Neptune Spear" raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.


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